
Oct 05, 2011 09:30

[Live, from prison, it's everybody's favorite jailbird vampire! Raphael is lounging on his cot in his darkened cell, reading a magazine. It's tough to tell in the dim light, but his skin is immensely pale, even for a vampire's. The brightest light in the cell comes from his eyes, glowing blood red even brighter than usual.

He does not look precisely well, but he makes an effort to sound just as cocky as always.]

I suppose a congratulations is in order. Congratulations indeed, to the brave men and women of the police department, who at last managed to capture me.

[He claps sarcastically.] Bravo. You have arrested an ill, starving man. Mothers and fathers will sleep soundly at night, knowing their sons and daughters are safe from the likes of me.

[He smiles grimly, fangs pressed to his lips.] Meanwhile, my own daughter will suffer and starve alone until such time that I may argue for my freedom, a process which, I am informed, shall take weeks, if not months. My fate hangs in limbo, as does my daughter's.

And so I rot, starving, in this rather comfortable little cell. [He boredly turns back to the magazine, turning the page.] At the very least, in the French Empire, they would have hanged me within a day or two. And at the very least, the food would have been palatable.

I am told I have the right to an attorney.

((ooc: If you want to visit Raphael in person, there's a log for that!))

c: dante, c: elaine belloc, c: chane laforet, !: raphael sorel

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