002 [Audio]

Sep 26, 2011 02:47

[When his voice is heard, it sounds somewhat strained. Not from any sort of injury, but rather from the fact he's scared beyond his wits.]

S-so I guess... I gotta find a new place to live, then? Uh... Yeah, about that...

I've been on my own long enough, I know how to get from one shelter t' the next but, I'm really not wanting t' stay out past dark. That much is obvious fer everyone but...

Guess that is t' say I need a place t' stay. Least a little while longer. Was hopin' that I'd get back home by now but... ... Seein' as how that ain't happenin'...

Might as well make this place as good as home, hm?

[There was an obvious sigh of frustration... he didn't know who he could expect to reply to this transmission. At the same time, he was willing to do whatever it took to stay well indoors after dark.]

Kinda... short on cash at the moment too... I admit back home I didn't hafta worry 'bout that sorta thing, since I was always on the job... Anyone willin' t' put up with me at least 'til I get my bearings 'round this place? ...

... No, really... I'm desperate...

[He cleared his throat and quickly added to his message...]

I sorta need to work on that whole money situation too it seems...

!: hol horse, c: caster, c: abraham van helsing

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