1. [ video ]

Sep 21, 2011 12:26

[Alone out on the docks, a young teenage boy has been turning a bright pink orb in his hands distractedly, wondering just how to make it work. The voices he has heard from within its sphere have not been surprising to him, he is always surrounded by voices, and he pays little mind to them. Yet still, he assumes it to have some... purpose. He is reluctant to make the experiment, but it is only when he probes the strange thing with his telepathy that it lights for him, lets him look out onto the network.

Large blue eyes under a mop of messy blonde hair. He's a ragged looking boy, too skinny and too pale, clothes with frayed edges.]


[There is a voice, but his mouth has not moved. He has been mute his entire life, of course he does not speak, but the NV takes his words and gives them life.]

...can... you hear me?

[His head tilts slightly, staring into the 'camera.' His expression itself is cold, and empty, but those eyes of his... they glimmer with a fearful sort of hope.]


c: asano rin, c: kimihiko ooe, c: nara shikamaru, c: shiroe rei seki, !: artemis, c: frau, c: tyrell

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