
Sep 20, 2011 16:12

Well done, Miss Asano. [A fresh faced young man in a white coat is seated in a Womb Chair on rollers. His holobook NV is open in his lap, but there's a over-sized desk with a large computer flatscreen before him, and a copy of the daily newsfeed visible along with other open files. The rest of his apartment has been stripped down bare, packed up.]  You make a compelling argument, and one the city will be pressed to counter with something rational, hopefully.

That said, I think it's high time the NPP redirected our efforts forward, beyond the immediate community relief of the center, the free clinic, the fund, and negotiating conditions of the tower apartments. With due respect to the efforts of my associates, speaking to politicians behind closed doors up at Lion's Gate just isn't making the necessary strides of advocacy we'd like to see.

We're going to take in the bigger picture, and identify areas where progress can be made.[He drags open another file on the computer screen]

I'd like to compile a list of businesses that are "Newcomer Friendly" which have presented no signs of newcomer discrimination, willing to hire us on the books and with fair wages, as well as a list of businesses which have shown a consistent bias against us. I'd also like the names of landlords, city officials, educators- or the approximated date, time and place of any encounters with public offices which have been out of line. Any anecdotal support or problems from incorporated channels of affiliation counts as well.

Essentially- voice your complaints with the system, so that we can target our new objectives. These will all be presented at our next board meeting.

For those of you who are newer arrivals, I'm Dr. Daedalus Yumeno, a former citizen of Romdeau City. I've been here in Siren's Port since May of 2010, and since then I've taken particular interest in the handling of newcomers in regards to Health Care- ways we can smooth over lack of paperwork for coverage, accommodate special needs unfamiliar to the Port's doctors (though I assure you, they've seen it all), keep good pharmacy relations, guard against the violation of patient's rights, and compensate for lack of access to records of medical history .

I encourage everyone among newer arrivals, even those of you in good health, to stop by the clinic for a basic physical exam and consultation. This will help us to have some records to pull up in the event of an emergency which requires hospitalization. Even if you'd like us to preserve your rights to treatment refusal- it's important that we know who you are, so we can identify you and secure those wishes. Presently, the clinic's volunteers are staffed at both Siren's Port General and Skye Med Center, and we are seeking out avenues of access to SERO's hospital.

That's...all, I believe. There's a 24 hr stomach virus going around, a recall on salmon (which was apparently left in a warehouse exposed to the darkness) that will probably hit the news by this evening, as well as...some kind of drastic mood-altering street drugs that appear to be making their way around the upper districts, and provoking violent outbursts. We're still waiting on more information from Seronex. [Something dry in his voice emphasizes that waiting on SERO to release research information is a commonplace hassle. His next words are also a bit disdainful] So those who pop pills recreationally, or frequent those areas, might want to take caution?

c: asano rin, c: godot, c: nina fortner, c: magneto, c: axel, c: alastor moody, !: daedalus yumeno, c: dr. john seward

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