VII. [Video] Oh boy. Earlier in the Afternoon:

Sep 19, 2011 22:35

[The NV clicks and chirps, making a strange little squiggly noise as it records a random video.

A fun video.

Here, it shows Xemnas in his business getup. With a blond kid clinging to him.

...Wait, what.

That's right. That kid - Ventus - is attached to the Nobody like a koala to a eucalyptus tree. And he's so happy about it. Unfortunately, Xemnas doesn't share his sentiment.]

"Let go."

"No. You gotta smile first!"


"Yes. Like this."

[Providing the example, Ven grins.

Xemnas just stares at him.

Meanwhile, the NV had created a border around them with the word FRANDZ underneath them. It sounds accomplished.]

c: demyx, !: ventus, c: asano rin, c: marluxia, c: maya fey, c: xion, c: xehanort's heartless, c: roxas, c: axel, c: kairi, !: xemnas, c: xigbar, c: terra

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