006, another PSA, VIDEO

Apr 08, 2010 12:58

[PRIVATE to anyone he's had contact with via the NV before. Miharu, Jubilee, Miles Edgeworth, etc etc. If you've ever spoken to Isshin with your Magical Communication Doohickey, you're on the list, you lucky dog you. Also, people that Isshin has met offline will be included.]

[Isshin sits in front of the camera, wearing a white lab-coat and two name tags. Those with sharp eyes will be able to read the 'Dr. Isheen Curiosakey', on the first tag, and the corrected version of: 'Dr. I. Kurosaki' on the second one.

His hands are folded, an unquestionably out-of-character serious look on his face. He opens his mouth to speak, stops, closes his mouth again, then rubs at his chin, his eyes drifting upward as if he's going to find a neatly-written script up there for him to read from.

There is, of course, no such magical floating script.

He has to bullshit his way through this. Damn his choice of the medical profession instead of the legal profession! He's unprepared!]

My name is Kurosaki Isshin. I am from Karakura, Japan. I am a shinigami, and more importantly a doctor, both in Japan and here in Siren's Port. I work at the Siren's Port General Hospital, which is not affiliated with S.E.R.O, or A.G.I. I am not affiliated with either of those two organizations.

Currently, there are some... difficulties between the people who were dropped off at the baseball diamond and the other residents of this town. There is quite a lot of distrust between the two peoples, and this may extend to medical care.

I am offering medical care, free of charge. Donations are welcome, of course.

I am able to do anything but major surgeries. As well--

[There is an abrupt, startling "squonk!", which causes the shinigami to jump. He looks around, then frowns at something off screen, which cheerfully barks at the attention.]

--Sorry about that, Godzilla-chan got bored, I guess.

Anyway. I'm also capable of dealing with spiritual matters. I mean...

[Isshin waves his hands about, dismissing any arguments that might erupt from his invisible audience.]

Not like ghosts, or demonic possessions, that's best left to my room-mate, Dr. Bryon Orpheus. I mean that I'm capable of healing those in a less-than-corporeal form. Such as other shinigami, Quincy, or...

[Isshin's brows furrow as he thinks this over. He sighs as he come to his conclusion, rubbing at his temples. Oh, there's going to be an angry Quincy when he reads this. He'd better warn Orpheus to stay away from any windows.]

Or either of the two arrancar who currently make Siren's Port their home.

As I stated earlier, I work as a doctor here. I will not be able to meet at all hours of the day, unfortunately. In case of a dire medical emergency, please send a message to me with the following phrase: primum non nocer or the English translation: First, do no harm. I will do what I can to get to you immediately.

In other cases, please just contact me to work out some kind of appointment.

And one more thing: Please inform others. Heck, just tell me the names of people you know who would be interested in something like this, and I'll add them to the... the list of people who can see this. Thanks.

[And now, you are treated to a closeup of Isshin's scruffy chin as he reaches to turn off the video. Enjoy it while you can because aww now it's gone.]

((OOC: If someone 'refers' you in the comments, assume that your character can then see the post! Or... or something like that.... ))

!: kurosaki isshin, †: miharu rokujou, c: jubilee, †: yagami raito, †: abel, c: ishida ryuuken, c: dr. byron orpheus, c: kenpachi zaraki, c: nnoitra jiruga

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