First Pull - Video

Sep 03, 2011 23:25

[The wave comes through revealing a pale looking man, perhaps a little bit paler than should be healthy in fact. Simon is still feeling some lingering effects of being yanked into Siren's Port and hasn't had much time to settle after being rushed from the Darkness outside to the safety of the nearest building. There's a window in the background ( Read more... )

c: sam merlotte, c: kenzo tenma, !: simon tam, c: emma frost, c: reim lunettes, c: tyrell, c: god, c: amy pond, c: snake (999), c: lee falun

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[Video] gaveherwings September 4 2011, 05:42:57 UTC
[Well, it looks like the corporate propaganda overwhelmed a good deal of the greeter's information.

Daedalus isn't immediately recognizable by profession (for once), seated on the floor in a modern-minimalist apartment, the few spare items of which are being packed into moving boxes. It looks like he was in the middle of stacking a very modest collection of books, titles out of sight from this angle.]

Where should we start?


[Video] giftedistheterm September 4 2011, 05:57:00 UTC
[Has a bit of a wry smile on when he answers, noting the moving boxes. Well, Simon doesn't mind being someone's distraction so long as the information he gets is useful.]

These all talk about the wonderful job opportunities to be had for newcomers like myself with 'SERO slash AGI' with plenty of opportunity for advancement and all that, but I wasn't able to get a lot of specifics.

I'd like a job in medicine, if that's possible. But I can't imagine they just hand out stethoscopes to anyone who walks in the door and claims to be a doctor...

[Then, adding on.]

My name is Simon, by the way. Simon Tam. And thank you for taking the time to answer.


Re: [Video] gaveherwings September 4 2011, 07:13:21 UTC
Ah, well...yes.

Still, some of us were fortunate enough to arrive with some form of licensed identification and fellow citizens to back up our claims.

Needless to say, you've found the right person to get your foot in the door. I'm Daedalus Yumeno, one of the doctors at the Newcomer Center Clinic. I'm also in residency at Skye Medical Center, at least until they can bear to call anyone foreign and younger than most of the interns a tenured Attending.

But let's see if I can point you in the right direction...I'll try to be fair.

What have you heard so far, about the hospitals?


giftedistheterm September 4 2011, 07:22:37 UTC
Well then it's very nice to meet you, Dr. Yumeno. That's a little bit of good luck, at least.

[Rubs the back of his neck, quietly grateful for something more practical to focus on rather than the whole being abducted with no immediate way home problem.]

And so far I've heard nothing really beyond some names and locations mentioned in the pamphlets. [Glances off camera for a moment to where he'd put them.] ...though I'm afraid I don't have my license with me.


gaveherwings September 4 2011, 07:29:46 UTC
[With a small frown, he rubs a hand where his lanyard might rest, grateful for his files and ID, and for Raul Creed (Awfully convenient, pulling your supervisor along, even though he was Chief of Security and really had no business meddling over the Health and Welfare Beureu. Those were Romdeau politics they didn't need to know)]While that poses a bit more difficulty, we'll go back to that ( ... )


giftedistheterm September 4 2011, 07:43:32 UTC
[Simon had to lift an eyebrow at that last bit...he'd heard about people getting powers...somehow it's the most unnerving thing he's learned so far, but he does well not to show it.]

There can't be that many, or else why still have the mainstream hospitals and clinics at all? Well, it doesn't matter that much, really...

The General Hospital sounds like the work environment I'd find the most familiar. I was an attending trauma surgeon in one of the largest hospitals on Osiris... But Skye sounds interesting as well...I imagine they have a tightly run emergency room if they're open at night.


gaveherwings September 4 2011, 07:48:34 UTC
Oh trust me, it's a madhouse. [Daedalus pronounces in the sort of drawl that might be casual overstatement]

...we do have a surgeon placed already over at SPGH, Dr. Kenzo Tenma. He was Chief of Surgery in Dusseldorf. He might be able to help you make the right connections there.


giftedistheterm September 4 2011, 07:53:29 UTC
[Simon has a humorless smile at that, as if he's the mad sort who would actually enjoy working under that sort of pressure.]

I'll be sure to get in touch with him and introduce myself in that case. Even if I don't end up at SPGH it can't hurt to have the contacts.

But as for the matter of my license...?


gaveherwings September 4 2011, 08:09:22 UTC
Like so many things, experience is more of a negotiable matter than they'd let on, when it comes to the special circumstances of newcomers. Dr. Pyke for one is understanding that most people just don't pop into existence from another dimension with all their paperwork in order.

They'll put you through some testing, some placement. There will be a fee, re-registration. You'll probably have to pull some volunteer work. At the newcomer clinic, at least, that can easily become a formal recommendation.


giftedistheterm September 4 2011, 17:59:41 UTC
Oh good, bureaucratic formalities. At least it isn't as drastic as repeating medical school...

It sounds like I'd best get started sooner rather than later...thank-you for the information, Dr. Yumeno.


gaveherwings September 4 2011, 21:50:22 UTC
No, goodness- [Daedalus shudders- he's heard enough of med school horror stories that he's grateful to have never learned in such a system- training through autoreiv-assist learning regimens are so much simpler and less wound up in hospital and classroom hierarchies.] There's "modern procedures" to review, of course, but since everything else is adaptive, they'll really only been keen on having you prove that you know your fundamentals well enough to modify in the moment for "powers" and...other factors.

Or perhaps it's a bit different, for surgeons than in general practice- but Tenma would be able to answer your questions there.

You're quite welcome. If you'd like clinic hours at the NCC, of course...we can speak a further about your experience.


giftedistheterm September 7 2011, 05:40:48 UTC
[Simon can't help but smirk a little at 'modern' procedures. Though judging by the way Daedalus said it, the younger man can relate.]

As I said, sooner is better than later. Although, would you prefer to speak more about it in person at a more respectable hour...?


gaveherwings September 7 2011, 05:48:08 UTC
That would certainly be amenable. I keep office hours Wednesday and Friday mornings, at the NCC.


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