First Pull - Video

Sep 03, 2011 23:25

[The wave comes through revealing a pale looking man, perhaps a little bit paler than should be healthy in fact. Simon is still feeling some lingering effects of being yanked into Siren's Port and hasn't had much time to settle after being rushed from the Darkness outside to the safety of the nearest building. There's a window in the background with the curtains drawn tight and it's a safe bet that he's broadcasting from a room in the Tower Apartments.]

So, I've been given a few of these...pamphlets. Which really, I have to say is a little impressive. Being literally sucked out of my home through time and space to some nightmare-world, brochures would be the last thing I'd expect.

[He's got a couple in his hand as he's saying this, glancing over them...obviously one from SERO and the other from AGI. The doctor frowns and sets them aside, turning his eyes onto the camera once more.]

And while they are very insightful, they do leave a few unanswered questions. If anyone out there has more practical information or advice, I would be very grateful to hear it.

c: sam merlotte, c: kenzo tenma, !: simon tam, c: emma frost, c: reim lunettes, c: tyrell, c: god, c: amy pond, c: snake (999), c: lee falun

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