♑ video.

Aug 12, 2011 23:40

[ hey, network! on the screen is . . . well, you see right. it's a large pile of horns. bicycle horns. to make a pile like that, that's a lot of fucking horns. who the fuck keeps so many horns . . .  anyway, at the moment it's just chilling there, silent as ever on a hardwood apartment floor, until there's speeding footsteps getting louder, closer ( Read more... )

c: shoshanna dreyfus, c: soul eater evans, c: kenzo tenma, !: gamzee makara, c: laughing beauty, c: raven, c: jade harley, c: pickles the drummer

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action (bah) frogst August 13 2011, 04:57:29 UTC
[ Gamzee what

what are you doing to her apartment.

Is that slime.

It is. ]




action (troll) narcotizes August 13 2011, 05:15:07 UTC
Oh hey, sis!

[ it is going to start puddling soon . . . ]



(fuu) frogst August 13 2011, 05:35:38 UTC
Oh, uh, not much really.

[ Just trying to figure out what to make of this. ]

You've got something on your... um, hold on.

[ And she leaves, quickly, returning a moment later with a TOWEL in hand. She isn't really sure if she wants to touch whatever that is so she opts for just throwing it in the general direction of his face. ]



you like it B) narcotizes August 13 2011, 05:54:51 UTC
[ and, pchoooo--! it lands right onto his face. jade had good aim! for a moment, gamzee simply sits there, turning his head to another side with the towel still blinding him. it was kind of funny.

reaching for it, he finally pulls the towel off him and obliviously watches jade. ]

I got something on my face, sis? [ in the mean time, the slime is now dripping onto the towel. it won't be long now . . . ]


gasp you have discovered my secret fetish........... frogst August 13 2011, 06:04:01 UTC
A lot of stuff, actually.

[ She can sort of laugh about it now, as long as she doesn't think about how gross that is. At least the towel has made it to its target and will hopefully keep the floor from being covered in slime. ]

What is that, anyway?


..................... eue narcotizes August 13 2011, 06:13:43 UTC
[ he starts patting his cheeks, but not so much that it ruins the make up. it's one of, and probably, the only thing he seriously takes care of and keeps neat nearly at all times. his religion is serious okay!! ]


[ . . . ]


0u0 frogst August 13 2011, 06:17:40 UTC
Not that!

[ She's smiling now, though she isn't exactly satisfied with the progress he's making on cleaning himself up. She steps in to assist with the process (Jade mom lusus to the rescue) showing him the bright green god what is this stuff on the towel. ]

I meant this stuff.


narcotizes August 13 2011, 13:41:20 UTC
[ his eyes widen completely-- was that what he thought it was? ]

No motherfuckin' way-- [ he then, after a good, long moment of intensely staring at the slime, he licks his lips. no way. gamzee then, dips his hand into a small puddle that had accumulated in one of his horns, fingers covered in the sludge

and promptly sticks them into his mouth. ]


frogst August 13 2011, 14:32:59 UTC
[ No why is he-

Okay you know what he probably knows what he's doing. Even if he doesn't she is not about to try and stop him.

You go, Gamzee. Eat that slime. ]

Sooo... [ Still holding the towel, mom-lusus school did not prepare her for such scenarios. ] How, uh, how is it?


narcotizes August 13 2011, 17:23:23 UTC
[ gamzee is. well, fuck. at a loss of words for a moment. with a lax, toothy grin, he scoops up another smudge with his finger, licking it off with a slurp, and seem to kind of . . . daze off in wonderment.

only miracles now. ]

Motherfucking-- Shit, you see this, sis? [ it's instaslime instaslime instaslime ] You see this motherfuckin' miracle? [ he gathers a glob in his hand, holding it out towards jade's face so she could get a better look, all while grinning. kind of just shoving that right oh god ]

It's like motherfuckin' twelfth Perigee's Eve up in here!


frogst August 14 2011, 01:56:11 UTC
[ No she does not need an up close and personal meeting with the slam that he just oh god don't think about it don't think about it don't think about it.

Jade leeeeans back, using the towel as a buffer between her face and that. ]

Wow, um, that's really great!

[ Now get it away from her. ]

You still haven't told me what it is.

[ Darn you morbid curiosity. ]


narcotizes August 15 2011, 01:34:08 UTC
This, my motherfuckin' homegirl, is sopor slime. Only the best . . .

[ he starts trailing off. his grin somewhat fades, and he holds his stomach.

accidentally, with the hand full of slime. there goes his shirt. ]

Uhhh . . . [ woah okay, weird feeling ahoy . . . ]


frogst August 15 2011, 01:50:52 UTC

[ Oh god please don't throw up. She steps out of the way, dragging over a trash can in case of emergency. She stands beside him, putting a hand on his back somewhat uncertainly. ]

Are you okay?


( 1/2 ) narcotizes August 15 2011, 02:06:36 UTC
I'm feelin' kinda weird, man . . . [ not sick-- but, weird. it was a strange feeling right over his stomach. he doesn't know what the can is for, so he doesn't pay it attention.


gamzee then sighs, rubs his stomach once, then sits back, relaxing and slowly coming back with smile, even chuckling. ]

Haha, sis-- Matter a' fact, this feels pretty motherf--


narcotizes August 15 2011, 02:07:58 UTC
[ --uckin' funny.

abruptly, and completely cutting him of, is himself having to quickly hunch forward, and . . . well, he didn't vomit, per se. but by the size of that glob and the amount he just spat ( big. it was really big. ), it . . . wouldn't be too off. ]


frogst August 15 2011, 02:14:53 UTC
[ Jade has some hellacious reflexes because when he hunches over she practically kicks the trash can beneath him because she is not cleaning that stuff up off the floor.

She rubs his back in a comforting, mom-lusus sort of way, getting the distinct feeling that Sopor Slime is not something to be eaten. ]

Um, feel better now?


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