005 ∇ [TEXT] (In which Gideon misses his not-girlfriend and is hopelessly drunk)

Jul 27, 2011 14:58

I'mmgonna get real here for a secondso
hold onto your hats

this whole city
isso fucking stupid
you get that
like, sriously
guy like me used to be sorich and popular
andthen he just gets dropped here withouT so much as a ""how d'ya doo"
and now he has to work from the ground up
and no one knowswho the fuck he is
that's somuch fucking bullshit i can't even
and I havent heard frommy girl in days
i thoght we were gettin along annow this

c: ramona flowers, !: gideon graves, c: rochelle, c: ohtori kyouya, c: pickles the drummer, c: jade harley

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