news feed; Wednesday, July 27th, 2011

Jul 27, 2011 12:47

Wednesday; July 27th, 2011

Weather Mostly Sunny and Clear. High 20 °C and a low of 15°C (68deg;F/59°F)

Current Moon Phase: Waning Crescent

Morning sirens will go off at 5:43 am, and evening sirens will go off at 8:55 pm.

Other News

- SERO’s Disease Control Center have finally released information updating the public on the strange behavior of diseased stray cats who act overly aggressive with abdominal pain, ataxia and fever after evening sirens. “Feline Darkness Flu”, as it has been dubbed, is an RNA virus transmittable only from cat to cat. The virus is dormant and sluggish to produce itself during the day. Symptoms are experienced nocturnally, when the cats are most active and alert. There is no proven causal linkage yet to confirm that the Darkness Decay Effect is any kind of catalyst to the activity of this virus, since cats still experience these symptoms while contained in darkness proofed labs.

A rumor circling in the tabloids still claims that the cats who initially spread the virus were probably dumped from SERO’s Disease Control Center research vans, sighted in Sectors 9 and 10 earlier in the month. From ‘inside sources’, some gossipmongers speculate that SERO has been engineering darkness-activated designer diseases and testing them on animals for the past fifteen years, and that this strain is their biggest success since the 12-hr Zombie Epidemic last October.

- A Robotic Wheelchair Caper
Security cameras have caught a man with long brown hair in a heavily armored and convertible hi-tech wheelchair, committing a series of burglaries at auto repair shops in Sectors 8, 9 and 4. The wheelchair was seen transforming into a suit of robotic armor with extendable appendages and spinning sawblades, which frightened away two of the mechanics on duty at one garage. This man has been identified as Sean Boyd, 38, one of SERO’s rising mechanical engineers with an intuitive gift for assembling machinery, until a freak accident a few years back left him paralyzed from the waist down. He is now wanted by the SPPD, and the auto-mechanics union have put out a bounty on his successful capture.

- Homeward Bound Escort Services is seeking 3rd Shift positions for Teleporters with tag-along abilities to safely bring customers home from clubs, bars, the mall, and other nightly locked-down locations. Our new downloadable NV apps makes finding clients handy. Double your hourly with tips! See our kiosk in the Underground Mall, just outside of Motel Row, to apply.
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