Jul 22, 2011 13:26
[Initial joy as he smiles brightly and shows a few white teddy bears to the NV, before showing off all the ones that he now has -- all of which are identical.]
I asked Sir Roman if I could have replacements for the one that was ... ruined a little. [He lifts the original Little Oror up to show its white fur is mostly a deep red, ruined; arm tied to its body and neck slightly torn.] He really is always just too kind to me... I must thank my dear doctor for giving me the suggestion. So thank you, doctor.
I need to get a few gifts for someone else, too... ah, but... that'll be more difficult. What shall I get him for a present? [A beat.] Present? [Looks up a little, before searching through to find the news to see what day it is on his NV.] ... oh, the date today is very important. I forgot my own birth date, but I could never forget his.
Urick... happy birthday... a cake should be made for you. Lovely presents. Candles. Everything. But I won't be able to see any of it, will I? [Picks up one of the bears to hold.] No matter how good I am... I won't be able to spend this day with you. I won't be able to feel your presence. Nothing. It is like this day is not special.
How unfortunate... [Proceeds to remove twist the button eyes of the bear off. He is successful, then shoves the button eye down the torn open throat of the original teddy bear, before closing his NV.]
c: luppi antenor,
c: urick,
c: nishizono shinji / amamiya kazuhiko,
c: peter petrelli,
c: sephiroth,
!: yaha,
c: snake (999),
c: kimihiko ooe