Day 487; [video]

Jul 20, 2011 14:58

[When the video feed clicks on, it's not immediately obvious who's speaking; the camera shows only the chest and upper arms of the person holding their NV.]

I kind of...I have a problem.

[For those who know Roxas, hearing him sound rather awkward is not an uncommon thing. But today he sounds extra-awkward. The awkwardest of awkwards.]

See, there was this woman who came into Kahve today, and she ordered a large triple espresso, but after I made it for her, she said she didn't have any munny to pay for it, but that she'd make me a bet.

We don't take bets instead of munny, and I was gonna tell her that, but right then this guy across the street was trying to park his car and he backed into another one. The bang was pretty loud. And the lady said that was her bet-whether he'd stick around and write a note or something, or if he'd pretend nothing happened happened and leave.

I said he'd write a note. He'd have to; everyone saw it happen! She said if he stayed, she'd find the munny to pay me and give me back some of the time she was taking up plus some extra, and if he left, she'd get a free drink and I'd give her some more time. I didn't know what she meant.

She got the free drink.

[The camera shifts then, panning up to reveal Roxas. All remaining traces of baby fat have gone from his face, and there's an air of physical maturity to him that wasn't there before. If he were to stand, it would be clear that he's two or three inches taller. Those who are good at judging ages would say he's about 21 years old.

Because, physically, he is now 21 years old.]

And, clothes are too small now.

[He's working them highwater pants.]

c: ventus, !: roxas, c: xion, c: riku, c: replica riku, c: sora, c: xigbar, c: ahiru, c: raven

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