001 - Video

Jul 18, 2011 19:01

[There's a petite brunette in frame, wide eyed and blinking. She takes a deep breath. She isn't freaking out or muttering about algorythms or pi, but the pi thing could still happen at any moment.]

Er, hello. Umm, I'm Fred. I-- I well, I guess I'm just gunna say hi. [There's a deep breath.] Just, just wonderin'. This ain't a hell dimension is it. Kind'a the best lookin' one I've been to so far.

Anyone see a broodin' vampire about? Might be helpful. Or a blonde British guy. He's pretty helpful, too. I, ugh, well I'd like to know if any'a my friends are here.

[She looks bright for a second. If this is a hell dimension, maybe she can get out of it by using words. Pardon her while she rambles off some Pylean.] Rtz bdly ptstx chrmt dpd.

[Nope, nothing.] The core, right? Anyone got any books on that, cuz last time I checked, ya can't just have a force field this size. Somethin's gotta be pullin' in a lot of negative energy. And by a lot, I mean the blasted thing's gotta have it's own gravitational pull. Or magnets. I mean, I know in diamagnetic levitation they got a frog to levitate in like Wisconson or something, but this would have to be loads'a magnets. And we'd all be stuck to the polarization. [She blinks. She's done it again. Gone off about science when she just meant to ask a question.]

I should write this stuff down, but thanks.

[And with that, Fred clicks the feed off.]

c: claudio kilgannon, c: spike, !: winifred "fred" burkle, c: angel, c: magneto, c: julian 'hellion' keller, c: reim lunettes

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