1st Shot [video]

Jul 15, 2011 03:46

[The NV clicks on and viewers are treated to the sight of an attractive female face framed by golden blonde hair. Her lips quirk up at the corners with amusement, and for a moment she takes a look around her surroundings and shrugs.]

Hardly the Ritz is it? OK boys and girls, I’ve got a little pop quiz for you. If this place is supposed to be Canada then where did all the Mounties go? I’ve been here for three hours and I haven’t seen a single one. This has gotta be some sort of a scam, right? I haven’t seen a single place trading in maple syrup either. This impromptu vacation is shaping up to be a huge disappointment.

[She shrugs.]

Aw, this headache’s really going to spoil my good mood. Someone want to help a damsel in distress out and point her in the direction of the nearest bar? Or better yet, recommend me a pizza joint. From what I’ve heard, I’m going to need a full stomach to keep my strength up so I can fend off the things that go bump in the night.

[For some reason, she looks surprisingly laid back at that idea.]

And if I’m going be stuck here for a long time- which I doubt- I’m going to be wanting a bike

!: trish, c: spike, c: brooke, c: angel, c: happy

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