Mar 29, 2010 10:15



[He momentarily goes all shiny eyed and weepy looking, hands clasped beneath his chin.] Th-This is such an opportunity for me! Never before have I known the complete and utter happiness of going it on my own! It is like a dream come true! And, better still, I have TWO jobs! I am now just like ( Read more... )

c: roxas, c: miles edgeworth, !: suou tamaki, , c: riku, c: replica riku, †: abel, †: watanuki kimihiro, †: mai taniyama

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madeinoblivion March 29 2010, 16:33:44 UTC
[He's sort of smugly thrilled that you exist already, Tamaki, simply because of what he's witnessed of his Real Thing's slow horror at your enthusiasm, over the weekend. He's kinda morbidly fascinated about this makeover-business.]

Heh. Congratulations! You'll be uh...a great greeter, you sound cut out for making people feel...er, right at home.

I think I've finally got a job too, I've just got to show up today and make sure the real manager okays it, tests me out and everything.

So wait, you're actually a father? You look a little young to be- The pull took you away from your kids?

And what do you need so much ink for?


[video] daddydaioh March 29 2010, 16:42:51 UTC
Why, thank you, my good man! And congratulations to you on this the day of your prospective employment as well! It seems that fortune is feeling quite generous today. What is it that you will be doing, hm?

Ah, yes--my dear daughter Haruhi is likely quite beside herself in my absence! It is tragic, and a little painful to think of, but she is very brave as well as sweet mostly, and so I am sure she will "soldier on", as they say. I would love for her to be here with me, to see me have all these wonderful commoner's experiences that she is already so familiar with... but alas, it is not to be!

Oh, I am compiling books of Beautiful and Wonderful Things to be appreciated in this city! The red ink is for the title pages and chapter headings. I wrote one already, but I am making the sequel now. They are for a specific person right now, but I will be mass producing them quite soon, I think! Are you interested?


[voice] madeinoblivion March 29 2010, 17:04:06 UTC
Selling things in the stands, at the Stadium. It's nothing great, but it's a job, and I'll get to watch all the sports for free, and see who's on what side of the AGI/SERO war...at least as far as team fans go.

You seem pretty...not worried about it. I'm sorry you two are far apart. So you're waiting for her to show up here? If you're a greeter, at least you'll be first to know.

Oh. Hnh. Well I know somebody who might like something like that.. What's tops on your list so far?


[video] 1/3 daddydaioh March 29 2010, 17:15:04 UTC
Oh! But that is still very exciting, and a wonderful opportunity! And how lucky, that you will get to watch the matches for free! Is there a chance for promotion?

Well, there isn't much I can do about it, yes? And I am sure she is being cared for by the rest of our lovely family!


[video] 2/3 daddydaioh March 29 2010, 17:15:40 UTC
...Though I am not sure that I trust those Demon Twins not to lead her down a path of debauchery and bad things...


[video] 3/3 daddydaioh March 29 2010, 17:17:33 UTC
But Mother will no doubt keep them in line! So she will be well cared for. It will not be the same as her Daddy caring for her, of course, but she'll manage! She is strong! Er, I am not so sure that I want her to come here--I would love to see her again, and deepen our Daddy-Daughter relationship! But, still!

Really? Ah, then I will pencil you in for a prospective copy! Let's see.... Well, have you been to the Felton Theatre? There is a certain charm to that place! Oh, and there is a lake that has a creepy beauty to it! The Cathedral of Jenova has some fantastic stained glass windows reminiscent of some of the finer cathedrals of France! Ah, and there's a fountain in Sector Three that is so beautiful it will make you want to cry! Oh, there is too much beauty here to pick favorites!


[video] madeinoblivion March 29 2010, 23:11:44 UTC
Promotion? I...I'm not sure. Maybe? There's lots of other jobs at the stadium, so...so who knows? Maybe I'll get scouted to play.

So you have a real daughter? Uh...How old is she?

Riku got a job there, at the Theatre, I think. I've seen most stuff in the mall.

Like...nice places to take a girl to?


[video] 1/2 daddydaioh March 30 2010, 06:07:20 UTC
Ah, so you would like to be a sports star, eh? Well, then, young man, have confidence! Believe in yourself! Maybe you can do some tricks in the stands, catch the eye of a manager or something--you know, just kick a can around, something like that! It doesn't hurt to show off a little, after all!

Hm? Oh, my dearest Haruhi is sixteen, and she is quite real. Ah, but wait, would you like to see a photograph of her? Like all good fathers, I happen to have such a snapshot in my wallet for occasions such as things-- [digging around to find his wallet]

The mall! Oh, no, dear boy, no no no, that will not do at all! I will admit there might be some certain plastic charm of a commoner's mall, and there is a certain beauty to it as well--the bustle of the marketplace, the delightful coming together of so many cultures and places--but you mean to tell me you haven't seen the Cathedral? Or the lake?

Oh, you want date locations? [smiiiiiiile wink] So there is a certain young lady involved, is there! Ah, you are in luck, dear boy, that is a host' ( ... )


[video] 2/2 daddydaioh March 30 2010, 06:08:04 UTC
FIRST! Describe the young lady to me!


[video] 1/2 madeinoblivion March 30 2010, 20:38:24 UTC
[...this guy is for real? No way he's old enough to have a sixteen year old daughter, there's no way!

And Namine...Gosh, where to start!?]


[video] 2/3 madeinoblivion March 30 2010, 20:39:55 UTC
Well...I...yeah, I could...I could try to be a sports star...

She's... well...


[video] 2/3 Cue truth-induced gushing woobie-vomit. madeinoblivion March 30 2010, 20:47:37 UTC
She's...well she's sort of quiet. Shy. Sort of...girly but not too frouffy-girly, like a real princess, but she's also stronger than she looks for her friends' sake. She likes to draw. Well, when she's not being forced to She likes to draw and I'm not really sure what else she likes.

But she's really pretty...a sort of delicate-pretty, not the really showy tries-to-hard-to-look pretty kind of girl. She's...I wish I knew more about her because she's supposed to be someone really important to me, but I can't-

It's...it's complicated.

And she's going to be going to one of the art schools here, I think, so if there's nice places that are pretty she'd probably like to see them?

I don't really think she's been out much on her own.


[video] 1/2 daddydaioh March 30 2010, 21:23:26 UTC
[Just listens eagerly to all of that, nodding and taking it all in. And then--]


[video] 2/2 daddydaioh March 30 2010, 21:28:30 UTC

If she is important to you, and you want to learn more about her, then you will first have to practice the art of conversation. It's very simple, and I can give you thousands of tips on the subject. I am very accomplished at making conversation! It is one of my many charms.

As she is a "natural beauty" type, she will likely be more enchanted with the subtle beauties of this place! Fortunately the city is rife with them! Her aesthetic appreciation for the arts will only heighten her appreciation for these things--and then she will appreciate you for showing them to her! Not a bad deal, eh? Eh? [wink!] Ah, yes! I can see it now! You will be her escort, her ticket into the understated loveliness of this city! She will be enchanted by its beauty, and she will be enchanted by you for having an eye for this beauty! Ah, young love--is there anything more lovely?

So! Do you accept the challenge?


[video] madeinoblivion March 30 2010, 21:34:26 UTC


[video] daddydaioh March 30 2010, 21:50:45 UTC

Then congratulations! This is the first day of the rest of your life! This is the moment you step forward and take control! By the end, you won't even recognize yourself!

First things first, then--you will require conversation lessons, so you're ready to talk to this girl without feeling lost and confused. So we'll need to figure out a time for those! And, ah, let's see--I'll make a pamphlet of interesting and beautiful things to show her, and some little details about them so you can be prepared to talk about those as well... Oh, there is so much to do! But this is what I live for!


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