92nd Day [Video]

May 16, 2011 09:58

[There's a smudge of something across the bridge of Xion's nose; it looks like it's batter or cookie dough or something. She has her sleeves rolled up, her hair is pulled back from her face in two very tiny pigtails and her cheeks are flushed. Behind her there's all sorts of cooking detritus in the confined space of the apartment kitchen, including a very lopsided looking cake with bright blue icing.

Xion has discovered cookery books.

Be afraid.

It started out as an exercise in distraction for her, what with all the uncertainty about the Organization and its plans, but she finds that now she actually quite enjoys it. And, as an added bonus, she gets to try out things that might be good to sell at Kahve, so it's helpful for Roxas too.]

I was trying out some recipes and I don't really know which ones are good, there are so many things in these cookery books that I've never heard of before. So, uh... I thought maybe it might be a good idea to ask other people. So... what sort of baked things do you like to eat or make, and do you know any good recipes?

!: xion, c: soul eater evans, †: dr. franken stein, c: magneto, c: roxas, c: replica riku, c: sora, c: xigbar, c: kurt hummel

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