one; video

May 05, 2011 21:16

[ The screen flickers on and... it's upside down for two seconds before it's right side up. Bruce is frowning, and he taps the side of the screen (knock, knock) for a moment before he heaves a sigh. ]

This better be working.

[ There's a hint of a white shirt as he tugs at his collar, then he starts to talk. ]

Look, I love and watch baseball as much as the next guy. Even got a T-shirt with the name of the Knights on it. But this is a little too much, especially when there's no game going on. [ Pause. ] And the scientists peering at me like I'm a piece of meat? Rude.

[ He waves a hand. ]

Yeah, yeah, I know the spiel. Got it from someone, I don't know who. A pity, really - I wish I've gotten the pretty girl. [ Pause. He scratches his head. ] I had a point somewhere- oh!

I know I don't look like much right now - blame it on the clothes, who drops someone in the middle of nowhere with just one set of clothes? - but I'm someone pretty important back home. I can [ he waves a hand ] make things. Useful, awesome things. And I'm also pretty good at organizing people. Was the CEO of my multibillion company back home.

[ Despite how casually that was dropped, you can see it's totally calculated. Pause, and he shrugs. ] I'm also kind of hot.

So. Who wants me?

message to a Miss Jinx, folded and tucked into her windowsill

A gentleman never asks a lady to pay. How long are you willing to wait?

[ ooc; I apologize for this man.

Also, I AM STILL TAGGING BATMAN'S POST. Never fear! If I missed a tag, hit me up. It's very likely I forgot about it or it got lost in the depth of my inbox. ]

c: maya fey, c: anna, c: grell sutcliff, c: deathstroke the terminator, c: magneto, c: luca macken, c: rochelle, c: miles edgeworth, c: franz d'epinay, c: sirius black, c: re-l mayer, c: jinx, c: tifa lockheart, c: raven, c: ella, c: jack kelly, c: gabriel/the trickster, c: yako katsuragi, c: jubilation lee, c: yaha, c: france, !: bruce wayne | batman, c: black mask, †: dr. kirk langstrom, †: yagami raito, c: replica riku, c: sherlock holmes, c: nelliel tu odelschwanck

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