(oo1) (audio) ♐ no excuse for your lack of trust in anyone, even you

May 05, 2011 00:46

[ When the audio kicks in, it catches part of a conversation because Faith's busy trying to get her NV to work while being technologically retarded and listening to the SERO operative try his little helpful immigration bull. It starts with a man's professional-sounding voice, though his statement is clipped. ] -- from?

Little bit of everywhere, I guess. [ Sure, she could say she was in Sunnydale right before showing up, but she's also still a wanted fugitive. So, she'll keep with the vague comment that's still honest. There's a tapping noise of phone keys as they get pressed in on her NV, as she's still trying to operate it. ] Speakin' of which -- this little interrogation going anywhere, or am I free to get moving? It's cold as Hell and you might wanna hang around, but I could use a freaking jacket.

Just a moment. There are still some routine tests that need to be run. We want to make sure the Core didn't do anything unsightly to your wellbeing while pulling you here. [ There's a pause and then a shuffling noise and Faith shouts a stern, dissuasive HEY! ]

Whoa, how about you back it up a little, huh? If you don't keep your swabs in your pants, I'm out. Not a big fan of the hospital treatment. [ Despite the fact that being pulled in has her feeling like absolute shit. Achy and nauseous. Not a good combo. Also, remember that fugitive factor? Not making her eager to get any kind of medical testing done. It tends to ring up an ID on that stuff. ]

Unfortunately, we can't make an exception. The tests aren't invasive, Miss Lehane, but we can't let you leave the diamond without them.

[ The typing noise stops immediately. ] Who says I'm asking you to let me do anything? Hate to break it to you, hot stuff, but I don't need your permission. So, either I go the easy way, or you choose the hard way. [ A pause, followed by more shuffling and footsteps as two VOIDs approach. Then a thumping noise and silence as her NV hits the ground and powers off. Replies will be delayed as she tussles, loses and gets tested. ]

†: azula, c: gabriel/the trickster, !: faith lehane

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