(oo1) (audio) ♐ no excuse for your lack of trust in anyone, even you

May 05, 2011 00:46

[ When the audio kicks in, it catches part of a conversation because Faith's busy trying to get her NV to work while being technologically retarded and listening to the SERO operative try his little helpful immigration bull. It starts with a man's professional-sounding voice, though his statement is clipped. ] -- from?Little bit of everywhere, I ( Read more... )

†: azula, c: gabriel/the trickster, !: faith lehane

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video; topslug May 7 2011, 11:25:35 UTC
[ Even as a new Greeter, she's already seen her share of violent arrivals, but she winces at the thump. After a moment, she speaks, awkwardly. ]

Miss... Lehane, was it? Have they let a Greeter get you settled in yet...?

[ ooc; Could swing to action if you feel like it, but otherwise here is her permissions post! o/ ]


video; watcherless May 8 2011, 06:32:06 UTC
Not yet. Not a big deal, I can settle myself. Done it before.

[ ooc; I'd love to do action if you're up for it! I'm a little slow due to finals, I'll admit. :c ]


video; topslug May 8 2011, 14:42:29 UTC
[ Well, it really isn't all that complicated, Yako has to admit. Still... ] That's good to know. Still, if you have any questions, I'll do my best to answer them!

My name's Yako-- Yako Katsuragi. Pleasure to meet you.

[ ooc; I'm pretty slow myself, so no worries. o/ I'm up for it, if Yako can talk her into it! ]


video; watcherless May 9 2011, 06:46:35 UTC
Thanks, Yako. 'm Faith.

I got some basics, not real clear on much else. This is Siren's Port, and uh ... AGI and SERO are bad news 'cause they want this Core, right?

[ ooc; Awesome! Thank you so much~♥ ]


video; topslug May 10 2011, 05:52:00 UTC
[ She starts to nod, but pauses and shakes her head. ] Not... exactly. SERO wants to research the Core because they think they can fix it and send everyone home. AGI thinks the Core can't be fixed, so they're looking for a different way home.

They're both bad news for a lot of other reasons, though. [ Deep breath. ] Has someone given you a key to your own apartment yet?


video; watcherless May 10 2011, 23:57:36 UTC
Not yet. Didn't know I won the grand prize for Publisher's Clearing House.


video; topslug May 11 2011, 02:15:32 UTC
[ She just laughs. ] It's only free for a month, and it's pretty run-down. But it's somewhere to live, at least.

Where are you now?


video; watcherless May 13 2011, 04:37:58 UTC
Got it. Crappy place, lure you in with the free rent for a month. Guess I'll take it for now. Anyway, I'm at some big-ass baseball diamond. Tell you what, I never saw this shit up close, but I always pegged it for smaller. But I'm guessin' they don't really air any games outta here, anyway, huh?


video; topslug May 14 2011, 13:31:07 UTC
Not since people started arriving in it, at least. [ Wryly. ]

Anyway, I'm just at the Tower Apartments, so I can come over there and give you the grand tour, if you want.


video; watcherless May 15 2011, 00:03:30 UTC
[ A thoughtful pause. Good will is still hard for her to accept, but she gives a nod after a moment. ]

Yeah, sure thing. Not like anybody else is jumping at the bit to show me around.


video; -> action! topslug May 15 2011, 05:48:35 UTC
All right. I'll see you in five minutes!

[ And she's as good as her word. She's hard to miss, coming up to the baseball diamond with a broad grin on her face. When she spots Faith, she waves and heads over. ]


action; watcherless May 15 2011, 08:31:23 UTC
[ Hard to miss the girl -- the whole blonde thing helps. When she notices her heading over, she gives a nod of greeting. ] Yako, right? Making good with the timely, nice.


action; topslug May 15 2011, 09:20:48 UTC
Well, it'd be rude to make you wait since I'm the one who offered, right? [ She grins, waving towards the Tower Apartments, easily visible down the street. ]

Let's get you the keys to your apartment, first, and then we'll move out. Is there any part of the City you're particularly interested in knowing more about?


action; watcherless May 15 2011, 09:48:02 UTC
How about we start with what parts there are and kinda move from there? [ She starts to walk in the direction of the apartments, eager to get the key and set up shop so she can get out there and check the place out. ] Maybe give me the skinny on where SERO's holed up.


action; topslug May 15 2011, 10:03:39 UTC
Well, you should be able to access a city map on your NV, but we can use mine for now-- [ Keeping pace with Faith, she fiddles with the settings until her NV produces a small hologram, an overhead view of the city. While she speaks, she presses at the buttons to light up parts of the map. ]

Right now, we're in Sector 4-- that's the middle-class residential area. You'll probably want to avoid Sector 9 and 10, since those are pretty run-down areas. The fairgrounds are located in Sector 5, while Sector 7 is devoted entirely to farming. You can't leave the city by boat, but there is a beach.

AGI and SERO's territories are sectors 1 and 2. The biggest Darkness-proof area we have here is the Underground Mall. Once you're in there, you can find pretty much everything you could want. It operates 24 hours a day, so if you ever get caught outside after the sirens, you could stay in there...

[ Beat. She has been told about the sirens, hasn't she? ]


action; watcherless May 16 2011, 10:36:07 UTC
[ There's a kind of awestruck look on Faith's face as the hologram pops up. Not the kind of tech she's used to dealing with. But, she tries to keep up with the explanation instead of just defaulting to the 'ooh, shiny' impulse. ]

Gotcha. So what's a Darkness? Other than, y'know, traditional sense of -- I mean, I'm sorta gettin' the capital The Darkness vibe.


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