o13. ♙ audio

Apr 26, 2011 13:25

This place. How do we know when... someone's dead, or if they've gone home, or if they're coming back, anyway?

What's the difference? I mean, I know there's a difference for the person experiencing it, but... how do people here know? It's like most of the time, people die and we expect them to come back because of the Core. But then, the news talks about people dying all the time and they don't come back.

There was that day when no one died, and then there are people who died before coming here... I just don't know how it works anymore. I never knew how it worked, but.

I don't know what's worse. People just staying dead when they die, or playing this guessing game. Guessing and waiting.

!: hope estheim, c: grell sutcliff, c: magneto, c: ash, c: nicholas d. wolfwood, c: ahiru, c: akira inugami, c: rainbow dash

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