[video] late morning

Apr 25, 2011 00:36

[ There's a giant, bright yellow chick in the fairgrounds.

No, reallyIt waves a stubby wing(?) at the camera. Abruptly, a horde of children shrieking for candy suddenly tackle it, bringing it down with the kind of ferocity one might expect from creatures of the Cenozoic era than six-year-olds. After a few minutes of filming the cloudy, overcast ( Read more... )

c: izaya orihara, c: tyki mikk, c: ahiru, c: heiwajima shizuo, !: yako katsuragi

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voice forever; phaseshifts April 24 2011, 21:54:54 UTC
[Just laughing at this.]


voice forever; topslug April 24 2011, 23:42:40 UTC
[ Mm, has she spoken to this person before? Sounds familiar... She laughs sheepishly back. ]

I guess that looked pretty funny


phaseshifts April 24 2011, 23:45:05 UTC
I hope they have enough padding in there you won't break something...


topslug April 24 2011, 23:59:22 UTC
Well, I'm pretty tough, so that's not really a problem.

Getting up once I've been knocked down is pretty hard, though... Especially if I land on my stomach.


phaseshifts April 25 2011, 00:00:42 UTC
You're lucky they don't eat flesh. You'd be pulled to bloody bits.


topslug April 25 2011, 00:08:24 UTC
[ Wry: ] No kidding. If the Darkness monsters were made out of candy, they wouldn't stand a chance.


phaseshifts April 25 2011, 00:12:19 UTC
[Laughing again, you're hilarious Yako.] If only they were! This island would be as safe as a padded cell. Patrolled by ravenous little tykes...


topslug April 25 2011, 00:18:37 UTC
... And with an endless supply of sugar that restocks itself every nigh! Pretty much a perfect setup, though I don't envy the parents that have to deal with them afterwards.

Are you planning on joining the egg hunt? [ She means the kiddie one, but. ]


phaseshifts April 26 2011, 19:42:53 UTC
Hmm... oh, you know, I might. There's wonderful prizes to be had, after all. [sly.]


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