Hello, all! Welcome to the 23rd activity check for Siren's Pull!
The Activity Check is something that will be happening every month, just to check in with players, make sure that all the characters who've been accepted into the game are participating, and get a quick rundown of what characters are up to!
Some Activity Check guidelines:1. Any
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Character Name: Riku
Character Journal: walkthedawn
Activity Link: HERE
Brief Summary of Character's Plot: With The Answer in full swing, Riku had had to deal with MAN backlash and people rebuking him for the theaterhead's grandson. He and Ritsuka have been getting closer and he caught some coffee with Stephanie. He's planning for a big Christmas like last year.
Character Name: Re-l Mayer
Character Journal: proxysearch
Activity Link: HERE
Brief Summary of Character's Plot: Frustrated, running on empty, Re-l's been pushing herself a little too much. Slade's been training her, Daedalus was buried, Raul and her had a public argument, Bruce showed up naked at her office, and she had a run-in with Diego's shadow.
Character Name: Alice Liddell
Character Journal: cruelwonder
Activity Link: HERE
Brief Summary of Character's Plot: Alice has been suffering from two mental breakdowns: one from the loss of Jack Kelly and another from the Midnight Channel's appearance of her. She confronted her shadow and nearly died and then was reunited with Jack.
Character ( ... )
Character Name: Replica Riku "Joe Fieldman"
Character Journal: madeinoblivion
Activity Link: HERE
Brief Summary of Character's Plot:
Joe was part of running a successful underground death metal concert! He did promotional (to a Sharkmobile) as well as provided sound tech. He considers this a big career move. Pickles gave him a bottle of aged premium rum as a thank you, and he and his friends decide to make eggnog (thank you Sirius, for last years recipe, and thank you world, for turning blind eye to their underagedness). He's vocally denying Aslan's death, and out for vengeance over Tifa's death with Griffin. Promoting his bro Tyrell as a hero of the darkness. He's also been vanquishing nutcracker witches with Kyubey and Ahiru! Somewhere in the middle of it all, he's sure he'll be getting coal this Christmas for his darkness and failure to keep promises, but he is finding presents to play Santa to everyone else.
Character Name: Daedalus Yumeno
Character Journal: gaveherwings
Activity Link: HERE
Brief Summary of Character's Plot:Daedalus ( ... )
Character Name: Raul Creed
Character Journal: rapturescreed
Activity Link: HERE
Brief Summary of Character's Plot: Dealing with Daedalus being buried and he’s in the dog house for that. He’s “dating” Helen in his own way, which he is worried about. He’s lusting after Francis, which he’s worried about MORE. He’s pissed off at the world right now, and Re-l, too. Mostly he just needs a break, and then he’ll do the fundraiser for the NPP.
Character Name: Dr. Kenzo Tenma
Character Journal: surgicalshot
Activity Link: HERE
Brief Summary of Character's Plot: Wolfwood was sent home, so it’s now just Tenma and Nina living in their apartment. Tenma had a pretty busy month! He celebrated his first Thanksgiving with the HoA and friends, and he told Jubilee he loves her. He also had to deal with his shadow on the Midnight Channel, and he accepted that he’s changing.
Character Name: Snow White
Character Journal: notadisneygirl
Activity Link: HERE
Brief Summary of Character's Plot: Snow is checking on her bitties and making sure they’re all okay, as well as helping ( ... )
Player Name: Candy
Character Name: Kurt Hummel
Character Journal: showbizpanache
Activity Link: HERE
Brief Summary of Character's Plot: Kurt just quit his job at Felton after a few teens reportedly committed suicide after seeing a play he was in. He's looking to become a part of the NPP and play a more active role in Newcomer politics. The shenanigans with his powers seem to have calmed down for the most part, but he hasn't done anything to trigger them lately.
Character Name: Sherlock Holmes
Character Journal: caveatwalls
Activity Link: HERE
Brief Summary of Character's Plot: After solving the Left Arm murder case, Sherlock has been lying low and attempting to give Christmas a try. Since John was injured by the Viscera monster, he's been trying to be less of a pain at home. He's also helping to investigate Tifa's murder.
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