[Voice] In which Joe Fieldman demonstrates why he should never be your event promoter.

Dec 02, 2011 21:24

On any other normal Friday night, I'd be pitching the weekend specials for Merlotte's Bar & Grille.

So don't get me wrong, I'm not being a traitor here, it's still a cool place to hang on a Saturday night. And if you're looking for something a little more low-key, my best friend's..uh...a friend of his is playing a solo gig there tomorrow, so if you're not interested in something a little more on the wild side, you should definitely at least go check Demyx's music out. (And fill up Sam and Tifa's tip jar, since they works hard to keep AGI liquor board off our tail.)

But I'm here to tell you about something a little more... extreme.

So what if the city's trying to write more rules, and hand more loopholes over to the companies? So what if there's killers on the loose and some weird new monster even Darwin doesn't know out there. If we stay afraid and shut up all quiet and 'safe' all the time, if we never make some real noise, we'll never really shake it up and make a real life of this place.

And I know most of you are already sick of hearing Jingle Bells in the mall. I know. I'd like to shove last year's fruitcake in their speaker system. Or maybe take a bowling ball to all the empty present boxes, sitting in everything's way as 'decorations'.

So that's why I'm telling you about the best death metal concert that's just about to shake up the underground music scene! All night, tomorrow night. Don't ask me who's playing, or what their stuff sounds like...'cause let's be honest, who really cares about that part anyway? But I promise you it'll be shaking the walls, and something you won't want to miss, if you want to be where it's at. You think Nibbleheim's setting off fire sprinklers? We're aiming to set off a few car alarms two sectors over!

(I hear a shark-tank might even turn up. Not a tank of sharks. And actual shark. Tank.)

Sure, there's probably some people with delicate eardrums who'd rather go see the new show at Felton. But if Riku tells you the guy directing's bossier and more cracked than Cohen? I wouldn't be lining up at the box office to swell up Felton Jr's head up any bigger. And trust me, if you think The Answer is edgy, you ain't seen nothing like this! It'll be loud, and intense, and Totally. Brutal. We're going to pack the warehouse top to bottom, see just how many people we can stuff over the max-capacity limit.

So ping me if you want the word on where, and the when is tomorrow night, just after siren. (Obviously.) No cover too, if you say you're a newcomer, and you're in with D-Joe and the drummer. Oh, and free drinks. And probably lots of free other stuff, too. So don't give another dime to some lousy corporate club for your weekend entertainment! Come watch us blow out a sound system. You won't regret it!

c: tim drake, c: alastor moody, c: sephiroth, c: claire bennet, c: caster, c: terra, !: replica riku, c: yosuke hanamura, c: pickles the drummer

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