Reine Triumphante

Jul 26, 2006 20:14

I've been back in the States for a few weeks now, working a comfy overpaid, underworked government job that I owe to my father's influence and nothing I've actually done before. My internship expired early and, quite surprisingly, I was happy to return to a place where people actually understand me on a more personal level. I made friends over there, yes, but it just wasn't the same. But for one thing, it really did make me quite appreciative of what I have here. A lot more so. I'm both happy and sad.

But there's always the future.

I've also found the perfect cure to my Madame Bovary syndrome. Excellent. I learned quite a bit about myself. Mostly good, some bad, but mostly good.

While I was away, I thought a lot about my casual acquaintance Todd. We've really grown close to each other, and considering he's put up with a lot of what I do (some quite shocking things, like going to a club with him, then passing out at one in the arms of a deaf guy so he had to take me home). That's dedication. And that's definetly not the worst. Everytime I go up to see him in NoVa, I definetly become more of a snob, if that's possible. But it is. I think I have a future planned out. Mapped out in sketchy stages, but it's something. There's only one big question looming over my head and possibly effecting everything that I will plan:

Is David going to move to Paris one day?

(I say Paris because Madame Bovary was right, the countryside is just full of idiots and so behind the times). Paris is where all the action is at. The city of lights.
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