Feb 20, 2010 23:13
It’s become glaringly apparent that some things in society are complete and utter bullshit. This is a tale of two friends, and to my friend’s credit, he’s a genuinely good person and I really wish him no ill on part of this post, but certain things completely piss me off.
I’ve always been a model credit card holder. I use the damn things, and I pay my bills every month. Even better for them, I carry a balance month to month so they’re making PLENTY of money off of me with all the interest I’m paying.
Then there’s a certain person I know. He ran his credit card balance up pretty high, then he lost a job. Now, it’s not like he didn’t still have money coming in. I won’t specify how he was getting that money, but I’ll just say that in my opinion, it’s complete bullshit. I will say that people that grow weed and sell it to honest adults who are merely using it for recreational purposes are making more honest money than he is with how he’s taking in money from this “other” source. Well, instead of keeping up on this bill or contacting the card company, he just let it sit. He didn’t pay shit on that balance for a whole year! Now, you’d probably expect the card issuer to be hounding his ass non stop and piling up fines and fees for all the months he spent not doing anything at all, not to mention the interest he must have owed! So one day, the credit card company contacts him… Can you guess what it was for?
No, I’m not kidding. I’m dead serious. They cut his bill in half. For being a completely delinquent idiot with his credit and his money in general, they cut his balance in half! So basically, for me, being a model credit card holder who pays his bills every month but never completely pays it off, I stay in debt and still pay interest. And if I happen to be even a couple hours late paying a bill, what happens? They slap me with a $40 fine! Not only that, I had my APR jacked up to 28%! A $40 fine, and horrendously increased interest charges for being even a couple hours or a day late paying a bill, but yet, going a year without paying a red motherfucking cent on your balance gets your bill cut in half?! FUCKING BULL, FUCKING SHIT, I SAY! It’s a complete reward for being irresponsible. Maybe instead of going to school for nursing he should go to work on Wall Street. He’d fit right in. Buy things on somebody else’s buck, then go crying to somebody for a bailout that he doesn’t have to pay back more than 50%. Even more, if the credit card company would have consulted me for my opinion, I’d have reminded them that he’s the biggest shopaholic and how he’s always gotta have brand new clothes. Never mind the fact that they look like something he would have bought a fuckin’ Value Village, and they fall apart extremely quickly in some cases. So what? He’s paying top dollar to look like a tatterdamalion, buying all sorts of other niceties, and smoking so much to the point that if I smoked that much I’d be bankrupt, and yet he can’t pay his bill?
BULLSHIT. I’d have told them he was perfectly capable of paying and told him to get back down to earth where the rest of us live.