They're He-re!

Jun 18, 2004 12:36

Gabe, Gabe, Gabe!! They're here! I'm wearing mine! It's beautiful! They're all beautiful! You're so talented! You're so sweet! Thank YOU!!

See, I told you they'd get here! :-)

I haven't given Aislinn either of hers yet because they're going up for naps (the kids, not the necklaces ;-) and I'd only insist she give it back to me while she's in her room alone for her nap (as anything remotely special gets destroyed when she's alone in her room.) She's gonna freak. In fact, she just noticed mine and went crazy, "Oh!! Can I wear it? It's so pretty! Can I wear it for my nap?!" I came *this* close to telling her she had some she could have when she got up from her nap, but I could pretty much guarantee she wouldn't take a nap then. :-)

She's gonna freak out!

Thank you!
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