Don't say LOL if you're NOT LOL!

Jun 18, 2004 10:32

Every once in awhile I have to go off on a rant about a few things about the Internet and probably just people in general that just piss me off.

1. People who use "LOL" in seemingly inappropriate ways, in ways that, were they actually LOL, I would question their emotional/cognitive state. Do they just sit around laughing maniacally at EVERYTHING all day, or do they really have no idea of what is funny and what's not, you know, like the kid in your class that you could never quite figure out: I mean, he wasn't really retarded, was he? And he wasn't completely crazy, was he? Was he a "Cretardo," a sort of combination of being mildly wacked-out and having such poor social skills that he appeared retarded?
a. Here's an example of LOL being used gratuitously: "Well, I'm off to take my nursing boards. Anyone else also taking them today, lol?
Why the hell are you laughing out loud about that? Apparently it doesn't take to much to amuse you if you're throwing LOLs around like this.
or: "I saw you like blue cars. I like blue cars, too lol."
Yes, that would have me pissing my pants and rolling on the floor with laughter also.

2. People who make self-deprecating remarks in open communities while offering up the "stupid" product they have made. Boy, I'd like to smack these people
a. Example: "I was really bored and I made these really bad icons. They're really stupid. Anyway, take them if you want them, just credit me if you do."
I kid you not. I see this ALL the time.

3. People who type phonetically (ur, cuz, dum,) and actually write like this, "So I was all like, hey, what's up with dat, and he was all like, shut up bitch and I was all like, no way, and he was all like, no.....blah, blah, blah."

Moving on....

4. People who use ellipses instead of constructing proper sentences, and especially people who will construct entire paragraphs of complete sentences connected with ellipses INSTEAD of the correct punctuation. And, yes, I purposely used on right....up....there....And, yes.....I've gradually started using ellipses in place of colons, semi-colons and in places where I don't know what the hell I need there. I used to know what the hell I was doing. What the fuck is wrong with me? Does stupidity rub off, or is it partially from Gabatril?
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