Jun 13, 2004 21:30
There was a double rainbow here tonight. It was the first rainbow Aislinn has seen, at least that she remembers. She was thrilled. We heard her crying upstairs later. Brent went up to find her sobbing, "I.....*sob*....don't....*sob*....want the clouds....*sob*....to cover up the rainbows!!"
Damn! She is one adorable girl.
Earlier in the day, I didn't have the kids outside for more than ten minutes before it began pouring. I was shouting at the kids to run inside. I hear Aislinn sobbing. She's standing under one of our towering maples, sobbing that it's raining on her bike (it's brand new.) I had to basically usher her inside, promising that I was going to get her bike onto the porch to safety.
kid quotes,