Nov 30, 2008 12:51
It's Sunday and I am kicking back with a small bowl of tortilla rounds, TJ's salsa and a can of coke. Granted, the chips don't have globs of melted cheese strewn across them like yesterday, but these are the things that get me in trouble when I'm trying to shed the pounds.
I was hoping to be at least halfway there by the NIN show next Sunday. That was a realistic goal weeks ago and now I will have to come up with a new one that keeps a healthy weight loss rate in mind.
When I joined WW a couple years ago, it was brand new concept and kept me interested the duration of my weight loss period. Now that I've been there, it will take more incentive to keep me around. When I attended the weekly meetings, I received praise and cheap tokens (stickers, magnets, etc.) that celebrated my efforts. It sounds cheesy, but those things did have a positive effect on my progress. Since I'm a Lifetime member now, I can attend the meetings but I am not recognized for any weight loss.
I'm thinking about coming up with my own incentive program. I will still use the WW system for some sort of guidance, but I will make eating right and exercising a part of my life that earns points towards kick-ass stuff. I want to tie the points to my finances, requiring me to sock away "real" money to save for the things I earn points towards.
To sum it up - I eat too much, exercise too little and spend too much money on things that are very, very dispensable (I spend around $300 on dining out). Because of these current habits, I am fattening up and not saving for the more important things in life. I feel shitty for these actions and wish I would just get off my butt and actually do something about it.