Feb 19, 2007 22:40
as previously mentioned, i work for a home improvement company that has two divisions: residential, and commercial. i deal primarily with the residential stuff, so when someone calls the office and asks about commercial, and the appropriate people (Commercial Guy, Commercial Girl, and Bossman) aren't around to be asked, we all freak out a little bit.
this week, Bossman, Bosslady, Scheduling Guy, and Scheduling Guy's Brother (who doesn't work there) are in vegas until wednesday, so Sales Manager and Service Manager are in charge of things at the office until everyone gets back. all caught up? good.
now, C.Guy and C.Girl are kind of sporadic in their office presence. more often than not, they're out at a commercial job site, dealing with residents and talking to contractors and overseeing things and talking to board members and other big important things. so when people call for them, we check to see if they're around. sounds pretty simple, doesn't it?
just wait.
today, someone calls the office looking for C.Guy and C.Girl. Front Desk Guy fields the call and is genuinely confused as to what the caller wants. Sales Manager decides to pick up in his office and try to figure out what's going on. but since Sales Manager deals ONLY with residential stuff, everything the caller is saying is pretty much going right over his head. so he takes a message for C.Guy and yells out his office door, "IS C.GUY IN THE OFFICE?"
"probably," i say. "why don't you page him? hell, why didn't we page him when the call first came through?"
"i don't know," responds Sales Manager. "but i'll page him now." he ducks back into his office and there's silence for about a minute. then his voice rings through the office, "STACE! HOW DO I PAGE C.GUY???"
"...you hit the button on your phone that says 'C.Guy.'"
"...you should. it's on all the phones in this office. it's number 110."
now, before i go any further, i should mention that Sales Manager has worked for this company for as long as it's been in existance, and has worked with Bossman at his previous jobs. he's seen these phones every single day for the past few years.
so i went into Sales Manager's office and showed him all the buttons. all TWELVE of the buttons. numbered 100 through 112. 105 is my extension. 110 is C.Guy's extension. 111 is C.Girl's extension. but the numbers are arranged in two rows - six numbers to a row. Sales Manager only looked in the top row (100-106), didn't see it, and assumed it wasn't there. furthermore, each numbered extension button is labelled with the owner's name. so in this case? button 110 says "C.Guy" directly above it.
...my brain hurts. holy shit.
whiskey. tango. foxtrot.,
blatant idiocy