the other week i e-stumbled across the most
fantastic list ever.
i thought it was generally hilarious, as its contents include, but are not limited to:
- praying mantis eggs (2 cases)
- tick nipper: tick removal tool
- princess leia wig
- barbed wire (one coil)
- dehydrated cow manure (4 lbs)
- wolf urine (32oz)
- and all kinds of other truly. weird. shit.
so naturally, i sent this thing out to everyone and their mother, just for kicks and to share the hilarity. and my friend ross, being the lovely individual that he is, purchased a few things off that list (as gag gifts) for yours truly:
isn't he just the SWEETEST? i'm so touched.
and then today, i went downtown for what i thought was a legit interview. alas, it was with one of those placement firms/headhunters who largely ignored the position i was in for in the first place, and spent 15 minutes telling me about something else. i was not enthused, and pretty much felt that i had wasted my day off to be given the run-around by some creepy old broad in broken glasses.
so i did what any girl would do: retail therapy. i hopped up to the mag mile's shopping district and drooled in saks, bottega veneta, gucci, and nieman's. and then i went to
tiffany's. ...and bought
this! and now i don't feel like the ENTIRE day was a waste.