so, there's this boy. still. same boy i mentioned two lists ago. i am still smitten to a ridiculous degree and i am still completely unsure if he has ANY feelings of a romantic nature towards me whatsoever. this, of course, is driving me insane because i am far too chickenshit to say something nice and to the point like, "HEY JERKFACE, I THINK YOU ARE ALL KINDS OF AWESOME AND I LIKE YOU A TON IN A DATING KIND OF WAY."
but no. i am wholly unable to do this because i am a weenie.
my lame-ness is more than slightly overwhelming at this point. i'm over-analyzing EVERYTHING because i want the boy to LIKE me because i actually LIKE him. i haven't been this...legitimately retarded for anyone in forever.
pam and i had a lovely talk about it:
Siren52684: this kid would be such a goddamn amazing boyfriend and i CANNOT SEEM TO CLOSE THE DEAL
nelley511: you will
Siren52684: ugh, take me back to college. meaningless sex was so much easier.
nelley511: haha
Siren52684: this "i don't know if he likes me" bullshit is killing me very slowly.
nelley511: you're so confused, it's kind of cute
anyway, nobody really cares about my own personal boy-related dramatic shit. so here's the list:
- Going out at some ridiculous hour of the night, and returning at a much later, but still ridiculous hour (or not returning at all), and not having my actions questioned.
- Horrible, yet amazing restaurants that are open all night - or at least until 3:00 am.
- 40thousand people - all the same as me, in the same geographic location as me, in the same mental place as me. There is no possible way to lose with these odds.
- Walking everywhere. I do mean *everywhere.* However, I will NOT miss the fact that the streets in Champaign are like a broken glass convention.
- Going out until 2:00 or 3:00 am, and then going to class at 11:00 am, and thinking that's too damn early.
- Bitching about/loving/having my roommates. Family's great and all, but roommates are so goddamn awesome - even when you're bitching about them.
- The fact that my college life, as compared to my high school life, was largely free of drama. Personal drama, sure - but not the kind the leaks into other peoples' lives.
- Deciding that sleeping next to someone was much more important than going to class or work. The day's lecture might have been important, but snuggling next to someone and turning off the alarm in order to catch a few more minutes of time with them was infinately more worthwhile.
- Doing whatever the hell I wanted, and not being questioned about it (for the most part).
- Being wholly responsible for my own well-being. Motherfucking awesome.