Fic: Drabble for torchwoodsunday

Feb 25, 2007 10:48

Tenth Doctor/Tosh - Don't ask why, I'm not sure, OK?
No spoilers, very AU.

Quite possibly not very good.

Not titled.

He listed things they had in common in his head. Normal things, like normal humans.
  1. Cleverer than everyone around them. Fact.
  2. Not conventionally, but undeniably, sexy. Fact.
  3. Lusted (secretly or not) after Captain Harkness. Fact.

 Obvious. So normal.

A look.
A shared coffee.
A widening of his eyes as he heard her explanation of the mechanical printed circuit board.

Her jaw dropping as he lovingly described the formation of a supernova  in terms of electrical energy.

Soft, normal caresses in overlapping shadows between the (not normal) TARDIS and water tower.
The melding of like minds.
                                                  So normal.

torchwood sunday, 10/tosh, drabble

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