I believe I have been neglecting this journal. Oops.
Well, ok then. Let's see where we left off. To my best estimation, I wasn't even done with classes yet last time I posted. So, in a bit of old news, I'm done with my last two exams now! I actually managed to get decently good grades in them, even the stupid math class I thought I failed. I still maintain it was stupid. No one is changing my opinion on that.
Anyway, so I've just been working away my life for the summer, take 2. Only this year is way better because I actually have roommates! It's so awesome, I love it. I'm not alone! It kind of makes the summer go slightly faster, but that's ok. I'm not sure how I feel about next year because I actually have to start planning a bit more of my life when it comes. Not so cool. All I know now is that I have to get ready for the GRE. That's as far as my goals are going to go until August.
But the most awesome thing about school ending was the conference I got to go to.
We flew out to Orlando about a week after my last exam. My parents came with me for the week since a) none of us has ever been to Florida and b) the three of us haven't had a real family vacation in several years. So it was really cool, and I didn't have to be all alone again. Last conference I had a roommate, but this time it was just me so I would've been bored. Plus this way I got to stay and go to Disneyworld rather than coming back after the conference was over. Anyway! On to trip details.
I was trying to make one of the talks on Tuesday night that was supposed to be a big show-down between our group and the radar people, but the airport took so long to get out of with rental car and baggage and what have you that I missed it. But that's ok, it ended up being a relaxing settle-in kind of evening instead. The next day I went to a few of the talks, but ended up bored and went to Clearwater beach that night instead of the social thing. Clearwater is so beautiful! It's on the Gulf side. The sand is pure white and the water is gorgeous. I think it was my favorite mid-Florida beach. I will reserve judgment on the Keys until I go, however. Anyway, we walked up and down the beach in the water and then checked out the pier vendors until sunset. Jack Sparrow was even there! Overall, a pretty nice time.
Thursday was our talk, in the morning. Dr. Ruf actually gave it, although none of the scatterometer people showed up at all! It was sad. I wasn't really worried about it since I wasn't actually presenting it, but there was the danger of questions. But I survived! And so my participation in the conference ended. That night was awesome though, because we went to a Pirates dinner adventure! I even got pulled into those competition things in the middle. Pretty cool.
Anyway, the next day involved Hollywood studios and a taste of the Epcot center, both of which were great. The Indiana Jones show was amazing, probably the best thing I saw at Hollywood. And I am seriously in love with Epcot--especially Spaceship Earth! I've heard it used to be better, but as I have no reference, I thought it was awesome anyway. Oh, and Epcot's night show is the best EVER. Seriously.
The weekend was entirely made of Kennedy Space Center. On Saturday they were holding an induction of four astronauts into the Astronaut Hall of Fame. Before the ceremony, they had a luncheon thing where Charlie Duke and John Young (Moonwalkers from Apollo 16!) came and spoke and answered questions. It was very nearly the best moment of my life to date. Then the ceremony was held underneath the huge Saturn V rocket that was just beautiful, and pretty much it was just an awesome day. Sunday my Dad and I spent just touring Kennedy normally, since he's really into space stuff with me. Very cool.
The last two days we spent at Epcot again and the Magic Kingdom, and just had a generally amazing time. I have to say, even though I'm kind of grown up nowadays, I really loved it. It was a really carefree place you could just relax and have fun at. I think I really needed it after last semester. Ok, Orlando out.
So after that lovely vacation, I've been just hanging out and working. Good stuff, and Kristin and I've had some chances to do fun things after our very long workdays. Also, the Red Wings won the Stanley cup this year, which was only the best thing ever. EVER! A bunch of us went down to the parade last friday, totally worth it. We also went to the Tigers game on wednesday, and got to see them beat the White Sox 5-1. I feel all sportsy this year, as we are also following the European Championship in the office. Weird. But good, I suppose. Alright! Too productive here, I have to go do something else now.