May 26, 2006 17:30

So, I'm twisted sometimes. Like, I'll wish bad things to happen to someone as some sort of "lesson", that would ultimately make them a better person. Oh lawd.

Basically, I should just stop thinking in the shower. Sing or something instead, maybe.

Worked 8-4:30 today. Preeeeeeeeeeetty stellar. Except not. Basically, I work very few morning shifts during the week, and that's because Rosemary works them all. Basically, it is SLOWWWWWWWW ASSSSSSSSSSS HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.

Like... all day. I had hardly anything to do. I kept looking for stuff I COULD do, so I wouldn't be so bored. Stupid as hell, Leeroy.

Jeff came in. He had a black eye. I lol'd.

X-Men tonight. It sucks, because I have to go get my mafackin' ticket early, or else I prolly won't be able to get it at all. Soooooooo, after supper, Imma head in, and hang out at Andrew's until we go to the actual movie, I think.

No work tomorrow. Fantastic.

Biked the past few days. Yesterday was a pretty casual ride. I'll probably go for a power-one tomorrow.

Failed game playing last night, btw. Hamachi failed me. Or Michael's computer failed me. One of the two.

Either way, we didn't end up playing much/at all. Except, HOLY CRAP. MICHAEL EVERETT HAS GOTTEN SO INTENSE AT DoW. WHAT THE HELL.

The end, I guess.

P.S. Mom's getting my ticket on the way home. Sweet.

EDIT: Some neat, some disappointing:

Science: Chicken and Egg Problem Solved

Posted by Zonk on Friday May 26, @03:35PM
from the science-wins dept.

Java Pimp writes "It seems scientists and philosophers now agree which came first. The Egg. From the CNN article: 'Put simply, the reason is down to the fact that genetic material does not change during an animal's life. Therefore the first bird that evolved into what we would call a chicken, probably in prehistoric times, must have first existed as an embryo inside an egg. Professor John Brookfield, a specialist in evolutionary genetics at the University of Nottingham, told the UK Press Association the pecking order was clear.' So, does this mean we can now show P=NP?"


Science: Space Elevator An Impossible Dream?

Posted by Zonk on Friday May 26, @07:41PM
from the sniffle dept.

bj8rn writes "Three months ago, the dreams of a space elevator finally seemed to be coming true after a successful test. An article in Nature, however, suggests that there's reason to be pessimistic. Ever since carbon nanotubes were discovered, many have been hoping that this discovery would turn the dream into reality. Pugno, however, argues that inevitable defects in the nanotubes mean that such a cable simply wouldn't be strong enough. Even if flawless nanotubes could be made for the space elevator, damage from micrometeorites and even erosion by oxygen atoms would render them weak. It would seem that sci-fi will never be anything other than what it is: a fiction."

Chicken + Egg = whatever. Philosophy sucks (I SURE HOPE SARAH SHIELS READS MY LIVEJOURNAL, LOL).

But, I'm kinda really disappointed about the space elevator thing. I mean, sure, we'll probably be able to do it EVENTUALLY... but, if not with nanotubes, then basically it's going to be awhile before we find another suitable, well, "material", if you will.

...and, X-Men 3 was pretty damn badass.


I know this is like, my billionth edit, but MAN, DO I HATE JUNEBUGS.

Like, Michael Sharp: The degree you are bothered/scared/whatever of moths, I am of Junebugs.

I hate those fucking things so bad. SO BAD.

Like, if they were a race, I would arrange for their genocide.

One was in the house the other day. I nearly killed my mom for letting it in.

movie, dow, games, hamachi, wtf, work

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