Update over the last week

Apr 11, 2007 21:41

Well this won’t be your traditional gripping entry, this is just an update but I need to recap on the last week or so before I forget it.

Monday I met up with
k1ss0ff after work to discuss interview tactics. We went to ‘Bunker’ in Covent Garden for a meal and a few beers; later on Loulou came and met us and we went to ‘Gardening Club’. A few of you on here have been there recently and I can see why, jugs of cocktails are cheap and strong it was great! I also really enjoyed going out on a non traditional night, hardly anyone was out on Monday it was brilliant, everyone these days goes out on Thursday ('it's the new Friday night') and Friday (erm, the old Friday night) so it was nice and quiet and there wasn't much of a queue at the bar.

Tuesday I stayed in and worried about my interview the next day. Wednesday was D-Day. I wonder if anyone comes out of an interview thinking they had done brilliantly? As it happens I thought I had done quiet well, not said all the things I wanted to but still. However phoning Loulou when I came out and describing how it went I started to over analyse it and didn't think it had gone as well as I thought. Does everyone do this or just me? By nature I am an optimist but I think a more accurate description is I’m a depressed optimist, (I would also
describe myself as a conservative hedonist but that's another post) anyway I was relieved it was over and after heading home to change (me and Loulou had booked the day off for it) we went out to the centre for a meal at Bodeans (an amazing meat and BBQ restaurant in Soho). The meal was delicious and after this we ambled round town together before meeting up with
tonight_we_fly for a few drinks before we went to watch Richard Herring at the Arts Theatre. It was great, it is always funny watching someone live that you have watched on TV since you were a teenager, seeing the mannerisms and hearing the particular vocal style. It was a good gig.

Thursday was lovely and sunny and it was the start of the bank holiday so I headed over to Exmouth Market to meet Loulou after work in a nice Cuban bar. I got there before her so I just sat there people watching over a gin and tonic. Again I was consumed by sadness and disappointment that my social orbit is so small. I often walk past people and think that under the right circumstances we would click and have a fulfilling relationship. Rather sad eh?! Lol, I sound like a lonely lovesick chap - I suppose that’s the case but without the romance aspect. I certainly have a large element of me that only really feels alive if I am around people, funny because when I was younger I was always so self contained. Anyway after Loulou turned up, we had a couple of cocktails in the sun we headed off to the Dollar Bar which is one of the nicest bars in London. Downstairs the cocktail bar is like a venitian crypt and we got a little alcove with a deep red curtain over the entrance. Catherine and Hazel came to join us later and we had a thoroughly good evening, though for once it wasn't me leading the intense chat, it was Loulou!

Friday was cool; me and Loulou wandered round Canonbury in the sun, before going to meet 
k1ss0fffor a meal in the evening, we went back to the Cuban bar and round Exmouth market. It is always really odd isn't it when you go to the same area the next evening and it's a totally different vibe and atmosphere. We ended up in the Peasant, a great indie/gastropub and had a meal in the restaurant.

On Sunday my friend James came over for a session of music and watching Carry On films, however it was such a glorious day that the three of us decided to head out to the pub to catch the sun. It was a great day which ended in bizarre fashion when Loulou and James had a big disagreement over the Pet Shop Boys. Still don't really understand what happened and don't really remember it. Though James later told me that he was deliberately trying to engage her in a debate and wind her up.

Apparently it's a Libran thing to have debates and arguments and both of them will try and wind the other up. Probably not a good thing when we are all completely drunk and I probably stoked the flames by being totally bewildered about the whole thing. Despite that bombshell I had a great day. Monday we didn’t have time to recover as we got sidetracked by deviancy in the morning (I will spare you the details) and then in the afternoon we met the world’s most charismatic man, the best shot, the best sword, the best wit in the kingdom - queenswolf in Soho for a few drinks. We never meet up enough but it’s always great to meet up. We had a good deep chat about our lifes, the type that turns into a friendly therapy session which did me and Loulou the world of good, and just as importantly we just had a good laugh in the sunshine. We then went off to Bodeans (hey I am a Scorpio, I get obsessed about things).

Tuesday was back at work but perhaps more notable for the fact that it was the first day in about six weeks where not a drop of alcohol passed my lips! Yay, all hope that I could do two consecutive days ended tonight when Loulou mentioned that we had a rather nice bottle of Beaujolais and some expensive cheese. Ah well that’s that. Well that takes me up to date I think. It has been a hectic week. We also had booked a female ejaculation and g-spot workshop for tomorrow, but despite it being my cup of tea, I really can’t face being around those people at the moment.

Hopefully I can use this upcoming weekend to get on top of things, I am aware I have been neglecting you guys of late.

going out, comedy, friends, deviancy, music, drunkeness

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