Happy anniversary

Feb 05, 2019 09:33

My beautiful beloved one and me celebrated our 13th anniversary this year. I have no idea if 13 is a lucky number here or and unlucky one and asking my most gifted sister would certainly get me an answer like "depends", so I never asked. And if the 13th year is unlucky, by celebrating the 13th anniversary, we're past that and we made it.

By the way, 13 is considered a very impressive achievement, so there's lots to celebrate. It's not our 13th wedding anniversary yet, but I'm sure you're happy to learn that there are such great names for it like Violet Wedding, Lace Wedding or Salt Wedding. Lace and salt are precious and a marriage lasting 13 years is precious, too. Because of lace and salt, the celebrations are associated with the colour white, and so are the gifts. White flowers, white clothes, even tableware if your old tableware hasn't stood the test of time. But make sure it's precious, too.
Violets on the other hand are blue. So you can give blue gifts, too. Clothes again and of course flowers. Or - I really liked that suggestion - go on a trip to see lots of different species of violets. I'm not sure if there's some company offering such romantic holidays, but then, one can always get a good book on botany. Violet hunting. I'm sure that's really romantic.

At least going and looking for violets should be more remote than going and looking for white roses - and spending the day not with a big party but only with your beloved one is advised as well. You can have a violet-themed picnic. Or eat violets at said picnic. Yes, they are edible. You can even coat them in sugar and put them on cakes. Should be more romantic than turning them into a salad.

My beautiful beloved one and me decided not to celebrate the anniversary day. Normally we're very strict about the correct day, and if we get the chance, even about the correct time of the day. Which proves our love and dedication, because it means celebrating at three in the morning. Nothing you can do just like that on a weekday. This year we could have done it, because February 3rd was a Sunday, but we decided not to. Instead, we didn't even take the day off to ourselves, just the evening. We went dancing and then celebrated the day after the anniversary. But at least that we did on our own, just as you should do. Never toss away all traditions, especially not when they sound like good ideas.

So we had a very romantic day with very romantic ideas like looking for violets in the snow and colouring clothes, trying to turn them the correct shade of blue. I know several spells to colour clothes blue, but getting a colour just right is always a bit tricky. I'm not even sure if I managed in the end - doesn't really matter. We had fun. We didn't find any violets either, but had fun searching anyway. And that's what spending time together is about. Enjoying said time together.

By the way, twelve-and-a-half years is called Parsley Wedding and celebrates the halfway-stage to the Silver Wedding. And we're past that now, for that was in December. Pity we never celebrated that. Could have made for some nice discussions about what we want to discuss on or Silver Wedding anniversary. I know there were lots of things, but I've forgotten most of them already... thirteen years is a long time. A long, wonderful time spent in happiness with my most beautiful beloved one.

Yes, I'm lucky.

Love you, Seestern.

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