I talk to the trees

Jan 12, 2019 18:31

Eoghan contacted me and asked me to join a beginner's seminar about hugging trees. Well, technically, he contacted Rigrú to ask me to get back to him, for he has no contact information to reach me directly. Which is not accidental, because it would be difficult to explain to him that I live in Germany. He already knows that I hate making phone calls, so I don't own a phone. Both is true, by the way.

Anyway, Rigrú told me to get back to Eoghan as soon as possbile, for he needs some help with a seminar, so I did. Turned out he has a stag party booked for said seminar, because the best friend of the groom think's a great idea to go and hug some trees. Not sure about that, but then, it involves neither strippers nor getting drunk, so I'm sure at least the bride is fine with the idea. If the groom was, too... Eoghan wasn't that sure but wanted to someone non-associated around to show everyone that there is no harm in hugging trees. I guess that Liam wasn't available or interested... never mind. Since it was a short beginners' seminar lasting about three hours and I like trees, I assured him I'll be there. Then I asked him how he wanted me to dress. Eoghan was impressed with my divination skill - well, it wasn't that hard, you know. Call up some non-associated guy to join a basic seminar on a topic he is quite good at...

We went to a nice, very cold and very wintery forest. The stag party consisted of seven guys, all dressed in clothes clearing showing that they are neither into hiking nor into any other kind of outdoor activity. Good quality, yes, warm, sort of. Kind of business-like. And at Eoghan's request I had taken care to dress in a similar way. Only that my clothes of course were suitable to keep me warm. There is no need in freezing except for personal education, and that seminar was not about educating me.
But I looked just as everyone else, so everyone else was fine with having me attend. We were introduced to each other, I congratulated the happy groom and then we stood around for about half an hour listening to Eoghan tell us about trees.

I think I should go and attend or one two more of those basic seminars. I didn't learn anything new, but it was nice to listen to Eoghan's speech. It was passionate and enthusiastic, for he really loves trees, and it showed. Trees are wonderful beings, strong and patient, kind and caring. Protective and supportive. They are beautiful, too. Peaceful. Listening to trees is very relaxing and can also be reassuring or soothing. As said I knew that already, but the rest of our group didn't. And they didn't really believe a word of it. Makes me wonder why they were there... maybe to make some new experiences. Can never be wrong to leand something new.
It was no surprise that none of them felt too comfortable to start looking for a tree to hug once Eoghan's introduction was over and he asked us to do exactly that. Wander around, look at the trees, find one we like, hug it. Those guys simply looked at each other helplessly and did nothing. Not that it's hard, you know.

So I made a bit of a show of being just as helpless as they were, then hesitantly started walking around aimlessly and finally stopped for a heartbeat and then heading straight for a tree and hugging it. It was an oak tree, just in case you are interested, and I had decided to go and talk to it about halfway through the introduction. Because it was a very friendly tree and it was willing to deal with me. Yes, trees are very nice and supportive plants. I'm much better at listening to trees than at listening to stones. When we tried to get in contact with this stone circle last fall I didn't get very far, but with those trees - no problem at all.

I'm not sure what the rest of the group did when they saw me hugging that oak tree, for as said, I was busy hugging that tree and listening to it, but it seems that they considered it less embarrasing to do the same. Which basically was the reason why Eoghan wanted me there in the first place. So I guess everyone found a tree to hug, even though I'm not sure if they liked said trees or not. Or even managed to listen to them.

I am quite good at listening to trees, and trees know a lot about their forests and about the weather. So I knew then storm was coming long before I could feel it myself. Maybe hear some warning in the voice of the wind... but the tree knew, and it knew it was getting even colder and there would be rain and hail. It also assures me that it would protect me and that there was no reason to worry. I thanked it and reminded it that we had to worry about the rest of the group - the tree understood about it, and so I went and warned Eoghan. Took him aside and told him frankly that the tree had warned me about an incoming hailstorm and that we better get everyone out of here in time. He was not the slightest bit surprised by my choice of words and he never doubted me. He dared to keep the seminar running for another twenty minutes, which I spent hugging my tree again (always make the best of every opportunity given), but when the wind picked up, he cut the seminar short and we left. Those guys wouldn't want to weather a hailstorm in a forest. I kind of would have, but the tree told me it was best if I left with everyone else. Stay part of the community. You're only a forest if you stay together and work together. I thanked it again and left with the others.

We had some tea and talked about our experiences in the forest, what we learned and how we feel about it and I made sure to let everyone know what I wonderful tree I had come to know. In a very serious, non-excited way, of course, for we don't want them to think I lost my mind. Just to encourage everyone to share some personal ideas as well, and again it worked nicely. Seems they had a nice, though a bit short, seminar, and consider visiting forests more often in the future. And be more respectful to trees. That's good, too.

Always be nice to trees. After all, hey are always nice to you.

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