between heavan and hell?
Have u ever seen that movie "office space"? i am sure you have, i mea damn! its so good. anyway if u have not, there is this part in the begining when the guy is in group therapy and he says " every day that you see me, thats the worst day of my life" and the therapist says "man, thats fucked up"...
Terry Mahoney, my favorite redneck, has just waltzed into class. he says "i missed first period... i just woke up, and i was on a couch, it wasnt mine". his eyes are only half open but he dosn't but his head down, instead he leanes back and observes a convorsation taking place beside him. some girls are looking through a year book trying to find Jim Crowe because this kid jeremy told them he goes to our school. Terry is amused. then he starts to talk to brett about his truck. i relize i have known terry since 7th grade, he lived on the key and liked to play with his peakachu action figure, he became verry upset when i stole it from and returned it with a pirced tail so that it could be "punk rock peakachu".
Jeremy is pissed because Kathren Harris won't let him fish near her house. i tell him "yeah, Kathren Harris is a bitch", the truth is i've never met her, but she lives in my neighborhood and i hear bad things, along with my guidence counsler Ms. Vick, that woman is a whore.
i poored my heart out the other day, it made me feel awful and quite alone.
Vietnam is drumming through the wall as it has been all year and i wonder if the class nextdoor does anything except watch war movies, i wonder why i didnt take that class whatever it is, i wish i was driving a tank through Iraq while listening to "i want to fuck u like an animal" i'd shoot everyone, or run them over. if it were the days of Aladam, i would loot palaces for their gold and women. i would do it all day, occasionaly i would change the CD.
they say graduation means goodbye.