(never) Do what you're told.

Jan 13, 2008 17:54

It's feeling like summer already to me.

I don't mean the weather, either.

So, I started looking toward my summer plans which brought me to Clarion's website. I was reading up on the workshop when I found out that only 18 people get accepted. 18. Eighteen. One fucking eight. ONLY EIGHTEEN! So, then I was like, "Fuck, I shall never make it. I mean, people who have had their stuff published apply for this." It was surprising and saddening. Everyone other workshop I've been to have has at least 300 people (travel agent stuff, Double Reed camp, etc). I'm sure it's very nice. I mean, 18 students and 6 professors? It's basically guaranteed I'd have an audience with Neil. So, I decided not to apply since I suck.

Then my mom called and I was explaining to her and she said I should apply anyway because there's still a chance I might make it and then I'd be soooo happy. I didn't think I'd make it into UF and I did (which is good as I didn't apply anywhere else). If I don't make it in, she has given me permission to live in a tipi which is my plan B. She also said I should visit Rusty Stevens in BC, Canada (Rusty was the husband of my mom's friend Bunny, the one who made her the quilt I stole. You know, the pink one on my bed? She's also the lady who had a room dedicated solely to Bob Dylan and what's more is that Rusty used to make wooden spoons for a living.) When my mom lived in a tipi, it was Rusty's. She also was like, "You know there are wild bears there and stuff, right?" but I own the Worst Case Scenario handbooks. I'm not worried.

My last possible plan for the summer is another roadtrip. Amber wants to go to New Orleans which would be an experience (then I'd have been to both the French Quarter and The Latin Quarter) but I'm not really interested in Nawlins. Chip went for a psychology thing a while back and he hated it which means I'd probably like it but still. I'd prefer to go west.

I'd really like to have a kick-ass summer in North America before I go to England.

clarion, summer plans

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