In my mourning that the UK does not appear to have Peeps in any form, I came across
this page, which (although stating that Peeps are exported to England, something I have NEVER seen), also claims the following about microwaving a Peep
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Comments 18
Life is equally hard in Spain.
I want PEEPS!
And Reeses anything and ooohhhhh....shades of my childhood.....
chocolate marshmallow eggs!
Would you like me to send you some peanut butter cups?!
Life in Europe is HARD!!!
We are SO deprived, aren't we?
Is there anything I can send you from Spain in exchange for the Reese's? I'd love some and I'm drooling thinking about them. And I just ate!
Will get some sent as soon as I get the chance...time is a precious commodity these days ;)
YAY PEEPS!!!!! Food of the gods!!
The good people in Customs occasionally get all huffy about importing foodstuffs, and despite the fact that I'll gladly go toe-to-toe with anyone who calls Peeps "food" (blech!), I decided discretion is the better part of valor. The box is labeled "used children's toys". Heh.
Thank you for sending me a lovely box of "used children's toys" ;)
Peeps are one of those love 'em or hate 'em foodstuffs (edible objects?). I don't know why I love them so. On the other hand, I HATE those nasty, awful Valentine's Day chatty heart things and I know lots of people who love them.
I shall let you know when the toys arrive!
... you've missed out. One of the best cheap college dorm entertainments, IMHO, is Peep jousting. It's silly fun.
I was too busy eating them, you see ;)
WOOHOO!!! YAY Spring time! YAY PEEPS!!!!!
Someday I will get to microwave one!
How is a hollow chocolate egg and two candy bars the equivilant of an easter basket? And not even any bunnies or chickies, just Cadbury ads all over it? It's like some sort of nationalised child abuse.
There is something to be said for the overcommercialisation of Easter in the US ;)
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