In my mourning that the UK does not appear to have Peeps in any form, I came across
this page, which (although stating that Peeps are exported to England, something I have NEVER seen), also claims the following about microwaving a Peep:
Q: Microwave directions, please.
A: Wellsir, you need to know that times vary because microwaves vary and because of a Peeps' age. Basically, the older the Peep, the more water that has evaporated, causing more scorching and quicker explosions. For a fairly fresh Peep:
• At 30 seconds, they begin to inflate just a tad.
• At 60 seconds, the chest inflates, points proudly upward; at this point, the Peep is double in size.
• At 2 to 21/2 minutes, they're three-four times their size and ready to eat. NOW.
• At three minutes, they begin melting into Peep-goo.
• At four minutes, Peep puddles begin to overflow, making a nasty mess in the microwave.
I am now consumed not only with Peeps cravings but also with a desperate, evil desire to MICROWAVE A PEEP AND SEE IT EXPAND!
I also am missing:
Reese's PB eggs
Chocolate marshmallow eggs
Life is hard in England, you see :(