Apr 08, 2015 11:25
I have not been updating much lately. I have been trying to cut down on being overly reflective and that getting in the way of accomplishing things.
I am going to pat myself on the back for some things, with the realization that I still have a ways to go on others.
Internets: I am trying to spend less and less time on it. I logged out of SA on my work computer 2.5 weeks ago and only broke down and checked it at work once since then. It's been getting easier but that particular approach was easier than going cold turkey. I don't even like it that much anymore, but it had become absolutely reflexive. I've leaned a little bit more on reddit, especially at home, in the process, but not too bad.
I've also been using Feedly pretty extensively, which is incredibly useful for the weird entertainment-anxiety that internet use can cause. I really don't have to wonder if the kickstarter for Unknown Armies 3 just went up and I didn't even know - even though that level of being plugged in is not super good for me. It's also tremendously distracting. To that end, I've even been trying to cut back on Feedly and some of the more subtle things - like leaving your email as the default tab on your browser is pretty much an invitation to distract yourself.
In general, I am trying to recognize the patterns that I'm falling into - to reward work instead of distraction.
Food: I've been using a calorie tracker again. Pretty faithfully for the last three weeks. And I haven't lost the weight it predicted. I'm not immediately giving up or anything, but I think that I have to do more exercise to see the results I want. And I do want the results; with my workout last night it was very disheartening how much lifting power I had lost. (It was a lot.) I'm trying not to just get discouraged and forget abut it, but that's the temptation. I think we've been eating cleaner overall - much more protein from eggs and less from red meat. But that takes a long time to show any effect and a few take-out meals seems to obscure the benefits.
I'd like to continue doing more Chinese type dishes. I've had the best luck with really enjoying the flavors, a balance of deliciousness/effort, and with Jill also enjoying them.
Projects I am trying to dwell on what I'm actually doing instead of things way off in the distance. I am STILL having a little trouble getting Pirates finished up, but I am at least not really researching games that won't be out for 6 months ... if ever. If you go back to last year, I had this whole list of games that were going to come out and when I'd get them and how it would be perfect. I've reeled that back a lot and tried to temper what remains of it.
It ties in with the Louis CK thing about throwing your best ideas out there. I had been sitting on some of my best ideas - waiting for Exalted 3e or some other mythical thing as an excuse not to use them. I've really been trying not to do that because he's right - you will come up with more great ideas, but only if you have to.
The other thing is that RPPR has been extremely helpful in my urge to try out other systems. You mean that, for free, I can see how Trail of Cthulhu or Eclipse Phase or A Dirty World plays out? For hours at a time? It's hugely instructive, it makes yardwork and housework better, and it pretty much kills the part of my brain that wants to impulse buy games.
Don't get me wrong, I am still excited for Delta Green and UA3, but a) I have learned not to hold my breath on kickstarters and b) there is so much to do and play already. An overwhelming amount, really.
Here's some stuff I still have to do for current games, though:
Team Rocket
- Figure out where we're going
- Stat up a few more general NPCs
- Fuchsia City plot hooks
- Decide how unreasonably ambitious to be
- Work through a few experimental numbers on the ships/ship combat stuff
- Finish statting things up and selecting any art
DorkCon game:
- Finish reading reference materials
- Type up notes
- Meet with partner in crime
In the house and in the lab, I am not where I want to be. I'm going to get rid of a couple trunkloads of stuff in the next week; hopefully this will help. I am also making it a Thing officially to go over my gels and notes from each week on Friday and review what worked and what didn't, to avoid the sudden lab meeting stress response that I had this week.
I think some of that was due to weather and bad sleeping, but I can't control those quite as much.