Mouse Guard!

Aug 03, 2012 08:31

I actually ran a session of Mouse Guard yesterday. I didn't have all the rules down perfectly, but we managed and I think it was pretty fun. We did the "Find the Grain Peddler" pre-done mission, which is based off the comics. However, between rolls and the decisions made, we quickly were completely off track from the comic storyline. Our version ended up with less action and more intrigue.

I haven't completely mastered the system, but I like it. You improve skills and learn new ones by using the skills, so it's kind of like Skyrim. All the mechanics tie together in some ways that aren't obvious at first, so there's a bit more going on. The combat/conflict system is more or less Rock-Paper-Scissors, but there's still an element of strategy in when you attack or defend, and who makes which test.

It doesn't have quite the complexity of D&D, but all the rules there are are pretty robust and everyone seemed willing to play it again. I thought it was more mechanically sound than Monsters and Other Childish things, where I love the concept but am less sure about how the math works out.

I think it was my best session in a while - better than the last Paranoia game for sure. I'm working on having better NPCs and being willing enough to put the players in the crosshairs - I think I'd been too nice in previous games. The Apocalypse World GM section was really useful in thinking about that, too. You can be a fan of the characters while making bad things happen to them - it's the only way they'll really get to shine and triumph.

I really like the System in Mouse Guard. For my next fantasy game, I am thinking of using Burning Wheel. I've been wanting to do an airship/political game inspired by Final Fantasy for quite a while now.

This week I found an Adventure Time version of D&D 4e, and while it's really clever, I don't think it''d be easy to run and capture the spirit of Adventure Time. I think I prefer having our D&D game that Paul runs, which is sort of a Slayers + Adventure Time setup but very much our own. It's .. a bit more fun to play in our own settings inspired by stuff than to just say "We are playing in Ivalice or Steelport" you know? It's funny to say that when raving about Mouse Guard, which is licensed from the comics, but it just captures them so well.

I realized when playing MG that I like for a system to have pretty good rules throughout or very few rules at all. Either extreme is fine, but the in-between (which is how I view most D&D games - fighting has explicit, if boring rules and magic has vague but flavorful ones) isn't very good.

I am trying to decide how to run my Pokemon game if not with Monsters and Other Childish Things. Hrrrm.

Also, I feel good this morning. Some of my extra thoughts seem to have drained off. Some of it, I think, is the satisfaction of doing something versus simply talking about it.

Speaking of which, we are finally going to make the Cain and Ebel clone this weekend. I am thinking of calling it Ramsus. It should be both bitter and fruity enough.

Other than Mouse Guard, yesterday was a crappy day. No one single thing was awful, lots of little irritations. And I wasn't able to get to sleep until after 1:00, which makes it harder to deal with irritations. I am so desperately tired of hearing about Chick-fil-A and the Olympics. There are more important things going on. (There are always more important things going on than mediocre fried chicken).

North-Pat, John, Sammy, and maybe Nichole are coming in this weekend. It'll be a social weekend! Should be fun.

Random music: Xenogears music on ocarina. Trivia: Jill and I talked about playing a Xenogears song during the wedding reception, but couldn't find an instrumental version of Stars of Tears in time.

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