Things I did this weekend

May 21, 2012 09:02

Thursday: Thesis practice talk, Baby shower, Post-prelim drinks
Friday: Lunch with lab

- Bottled 135 bottles of beer
- went to Chicago for Bachelor party
- survived bachelor party
- Magic on Saturday night
- mowed my boss' yard..
- ran a bunch of errands

It was a very social weekend.

Wedding stuff still to do, in varying degrees of urgency:
- Pick out rings
- Get marriage license
- Pick out readings
- Make final reservations

Nothing to it, right?

I realized while trying to make trip plans that I don't really know how to plan a trip at all. I sort of consider travel as something that happens to you, maybe as a result of so many family trips and conferences. But as something that you actively plan, I haven't had much practice. Jill and I haven't taken many vacations and most of them have been of the "get away from everything in a cabin in the woods for a few days" variety.

I tried getting a ton of reference books which was just overwhelming. Then after working out a rough plan with Jill I got the (excellent) Rick Steves guide and started working through each town. That is working better. This stuff is so much easier when you can use email instead of calling 20 different people, at least.

The wedding stuff has really taken over our lives lately. Once it's done there's going to be this empty space where there used to be a lot of stress and coordinating. I intend to get back into working out and cooking regularly, instead.

I started reading Johannes Cabal, Necromancer this weekend. Johannes is uncannily similar to my old MorbId RP character - a sarcastic necromancer who's not very good at dealing with living people - which is not something I expected to see in a book. I kind of want to draw a picture of the two of them, though I suspect they would quickly become rivals over some minor point of necromantic theory. The book itself is fun, with a light style and lots of sly Lovecraft references - I'm catching them, but it's not hitting me over the head with Cthulhu and Ia! stuff. I'm really liking it overall.

beer, travel, stress, books

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