Mar 25, 2008 12:46
"When I finish this presentation/project/thesis, I'm just going to sleep the next day!"
And I never do. Even when (as with last night) I don't sleep well and have unsettling dreams.
My presentation went fairly well, I think. As well as could be expected, considering how much else was going on and when I started it. Hoo. It is done and, essentially, so is that class.
My thesis is turned in. Dr. Cameron said she could make me the copies but then wasn't able to, or I misunderstood her. In any case, I ended up turning it in late after fighting with the printers in lab for an hour. But they accepted it and I don't think there's, uh, partial credit for distinction.
I sstill have a class this afternoon, but it is relatively simple by comparison. And a book to finish that I haven't, yet, but I think that I can. If not, I'll just read most of it.
On the way back from turning in my thesis, I swung through the union, maybe to get some Chick-Fila fries. I've never had them before. I got to the basement and just .. didn't want them anymore. It was partly the hassle, but I realized that it would be more relaxing for me to come back and cook something myself. So I did. Fairly respectable omelet (not amazing) and a cheese and bean tortilla. Nothing fancy, but calming to make.
Also, I think it was the lackluster Chinese from Hot Wok that helped get my current stir frying kick going. Stir frying is simple (maybe not necessarily easy) and I think I can do better than a lot of the crappy Chinese restaurants around. Once again, for a fraction of the price - so why not? That is my cooking project for the next few weeks, I think. Maybe some Japanese cooking as well. Also, stir fries have style.
I also intend to clean my room (finally, finally) and maybe watch some Gurenn Lagan or Desu Noto with Jill.
Or sleep.