Stolen ideas.

May 05, 2007 18:15

Jill made a list of things that she wants to do/learn this summer. I'm going to do the same thing. I've tried this before, with pretty mixed results.

And I just found a cool new band that I'd like to hear more of. Break of Reality: Something to check out. And a reminder of another cool band with minimal exposure: the Scarring Party.

- we got a lot of Lincoln Child and Douglas Preston books at the booksale - I'd like to read them
- finish some trashy vampire novels
- Read more Murakami
- track down some classic authors, like Raymond Chandler
- More science reading! I need to keep up with some actual journals.

- Write and draw every day - I've set this as a goal before and failed miserably. I'm thinking of using a calender this time.
- Bring a notebook for the jotting of ideas - a small hardcover one would be ideal.
- I am interested to know the story of the cardboard king, but I'm going to have to make it up first.
- Try to work on more fantastic settings as well - maybe some Aqtherin chapters?
- Work on longer pieces - short stories are fun but longer things have their own challegnes.

I think I spent a bit too much time last summer considering RPG ideas. They're fun, but if I'm going to "work on a campaign" I need to turn off the distractions and just sit down and do it, not drag it out so much. Like with books, my primary interest is to use/read what I already have.
To that end, I'd like to do..
- A Salem Massuchusetts one-shot.
- a possible war for succession Abyssal Exalted game.
- New Lenox of Darkness - definitely.
- World of Dark Ages - the Knights Templar versus shadowy things.

Video games:
I'd like to finish some. I will also keep an eye out for others on discount bins, because, well, that's what I do.
- Eternal Darkness is very nearly done.
- Silent Hill 3 is fun, but I am stuck.
- Twilight Princess
- Final Fantasy 9 is also almost done
- Final Fantasy Tactics would be good to actually beat some time.
- Oblivion? At the least, I'm going to finish some of the more interesting quests.

Movies and TV:
I'm not going to mention the theater ones, because they go without saying. I'd like to see some film noir and some other classics..
- more Sopranos
- more Rome
- Dirty Pretty Things
- May
- Land of the Dead? Maybe.
- Devil's Advocate?

This one is close to my heart. I'm going to try, again, to do some cajun cooking. I'm also going to look up some old cookbooks - I'm really intrigued by medieval recipes. I mean, if this stuff was good 500 years ago, before the FDA and widely available spices, how good could we make it? I've got some Japanese cookbooks that need to be used. The last thing I want to try is a "real" barbecue - slowly cooking the food on the grill all day until it's completely tender. Oh, and soups. Of course, part of the goal will be practice for this next year - cooking a budget, and easy. I think breakfast soups have possibilities - set them up before sleeping, there's a nice slow cooked soup ready for breakfast. It's not traditional, but so what?

Graduate school!
This one's less fun. I'm taking the GRE on June 23; I'm going to have to study after I get back from Japan. I'll have to start compiling my Curriculm Vitae and possible recommendation sources. In fact, this is reminding me of some things I should already be doing..

- I'd like to brush up on both Japanese and Spanish. Ideally I could pick up some German, but we'll see.

Doing things!
This becomes the catch-all. I'm thinking of doing a suburban exploration (oho) of our barn. I might talk to my dad about restoring it, though I really don't expect that to happen soon. Jill and I are thinking of hitting up the Goodwill fairly regularly to check for deals. We will be working on medieval combat things, of course. I'd like to get to the Ren Faire at some point, and maybe we could do a car trip to some ghost towns in Illinois. Heck, for that matter, a camping trip at some point sounds pretty good.

I'm going to try excercising more often, too. This is all a lot, but I can structure my time pretty well when I have to. What I want to avoid most is spending lots of time just checking the internet - I'm thinking of setting limits on my internet time each day.

This got pretty long, actually. There's more of resolutions in it than I usually have in January.

plans, summer, food, story seeds, resolutions

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