My life is so sordid...

Apr 05, 2009 00:21

The mouse i now co-habitate with, who chews through the bars of chocolate i absent-mindedly leave on my bedroom floor, and whom is slowing making my room smell like a hamsters cage, appeared out in the open the other day, in broad daylight... just chillin, like 3 feet away from me. Id've tried to catch him, tiny little bugger that he is... but i was midway through having a wank at the time, n he had pissed off by the time i'd finished.

In Australia, you dont hear police sirens at night that often. Wide roads, with fewer traffic lights and road obstacles coupled with quieter streets and larger spaces between main roads means you hear them only occasionally. Here in London, you hear them non stop. Narrow roads, too many traffic lights and obstacles coupled with tiny residential areas sandwiched between multiple main roads. I was down a drain last night and kept hearing sirens as cop cars sped past the manhole covers above me. Likewise often when im doing something dodgy, the 'noids kick in as cop sirens blare past. Then you've got the police helicopters overhead...

Ive gotta stop eating Indian food. Ive been told i smell like a Curry House.

The drain i did last night is known as Breach. Its properly known as the Brixton Storm Relief, and follows the old route of the River Effra. As Storm Reliefs go, its the shallowest, being barely a foot below the pavement, its the driest, to the point where i didnt bother with waders (still slippery as a Teflon fanny though...) and its also pretty clean. I didnt bother taking a camera, so heres a picture by Dsankt of the section thats underneath Mi6 Headquarters.

And heres some of us in an abandoned train tunnel... known as the Up Empty Carriage line. I got the heavier end. Alias took the photo.

N yes, that is speaker cable dangling from my waist... my button tore, being povvo means ive lost weight and ive not bought a belt yet.

This old laptop im using... it only has 320MB of ram. As it stands, this is not enough to actually view websites like Photobucket and Spaceghetto without extreme decreases in performance. The rage inside me just keeps on growing.
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