празднование МГУ

Apr 03, 2009 02:51

I started watching 'Repo: The Genetic Opera' mainly cos its Nivek Ogre, of Skinny Puppy's, first major roll (excluding his brief appearance along with cEVIN Key and Dwayne Goettel in 'The Doom Generation'). But im having a hard time watching it. Its not even a 'Sound of Music' kinda musical where they speak their dialogue then sing songs in between... instead its like 'Sweeney Todd', were they sing EVERYTHING... and Ogre wears prosthetics all the way thru it... then there's Paris Hilton to contend with. I dont mind Opera, spesh given my mum was an singer with Australian Opera back in the 90's, but badly written Rock Operas... ugh. Good film, bad singing.

There have been many an underground party that ive been privy to, parties down Anzac in Melbourne, Fortress in Sydney, The River Westbourne in London, Anzac Rifle Range bunkers, again, in Sydney... All wondrous and spectacular. Yet all with that 'former British colony' feel, where everyone's first language is English. Thusly, a party underneath Moscow, holds special privilege and as such it was a joy, if short lived, due to the, by that time, near pure fatigue of us westerners, that we enjoyed a party under Moscow. MSU to be exact.

Currently, elaboration beyond those initials is deemed unwise as security might catch wind, but those in the know (МГУ).... know what they stand for. Ive never drunk Vodka that looks like Malt Vinegar and has grains floating around the bottle, nor indeed have i eaten pickled cucumbers after each swig... couple this with a flavour of Hookah tobacco i couldnt name, then a short if elaborate sojourn into the bowels of one of Moscows oldest institutions... well it was pretty special, and i thank Skyfi, Id_Psyduck, Urban Psychosis, Reverse and all the others for allowing me to partake i what is so unique to them.

As for afterwards... well Moscow's Pirate Taxi network is second to none!




Hold still now.

moscow, russia, parties, utility tunnels

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